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Wired covers Keene parking meters and Sam D

Started by thinkliberty, June 04, 2009, 01:01 AM NHFT

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Wired blogs at least.
It has a wierd editor or someone commenting stupid shit throughout it though.

Sam A. Robrin

Somebody's doing a Mystery Science Theater 3000 routine with this article, but I don't understand the points he's making. 


I'll take the coverage, but what's the deal with that blog?


It's not listed on the wired blog list, and Bruce doesn't have a wired email address.


He's making fun of the radical revolutionaries who cant do anything more violent than wear a hat in a courtroom.  He thinks non-violence is the futile squirmings of the powerless, like a worm under your boot.  But I think it's the gentleness of having the obvious advantage of logic and morality, like tossing the worm out of harms way.


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on June 04, 2009, 05:34 AM NHFT
Somebody's doing a Mystery Science Theater 3000 routine with this article, but I don't understand the points he's making.  
Which points?  That we could be seen as geeks?  That breaking up with your fiance may incline you to sit in jail for a while?  That the courts reason for banning cameras in the lobby is weak?  I think he's kinda insightful in his derogatory way.

Except for the Joan of Arc parallel, that was just incomprehensable     
Um, could someone strap themself to this flaming pyre while I go get a drink of water?  I'll be right back.