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NH Police Officer to me: "What are you doing in our fucking town with....

Started by doobie, June 05, 2009, 08:31 PM NHFT

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the use of the cops language was uncalled for and highly unprofessional.
so your walking down the street with a holsted gun, i don't see what the problem is with that.


Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 12:37 AM NHFT
Dude, what were you doing in my town with a f'kin gun?

Walking on "your" f'kin streets and minding his own f'kin business and harming no one.

So, what's the problem?


...the use of the cops language was uncalled for and highly unprofessional.

Even though most people (85%?) just want to go about their business, you maybe can realize that "the cops" spend 85% of their time dealing with 15% that don't.

That  is, most of the time they're dealing with people unlike you. But they get used to, trained to, dealing with (well, d-heads, in my language), the "15%".

It's perhaps not their fault if they have to, nine times out of ten, deal with drunk, drugged, crazy, or just plain "come and get me copper", etc people.

They (logically) first  assume that you are one of the 85%, on first contact.

I don't think it's their fault (if this is the case). You might be under-estimating how hard their job is,

Lloyd Danforth

They are Public Servants.  They should be on their best behavior every minute and approach all of their Employers with the same respect as they would for their god.
If that is too much to ask, they can get another job.

Kat Kanning

Ryan McGuire

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on July 08, 2009, 06:39 AM NHFT
They are Public Servants.  They should be on their best behavior every minute and approach all of their Employers with the same respect as they would for their god.
If that is too much to ask, they can get another job.

That's too much to ask. They should get another job.

Russell Kanning

Free libertarian

Quote from: vexer on July 08, 2009, 04:25 AM NHFT
...the use of the cops language was uncalled for and highly unprofessional.

Even though most people (85%?) just want to go about their business, you maybe can realize that "the cops" spend 85% of their time dealing with 15% that don't.

That  is, most of the time they're dealing with people unlike you. But they get used to, trained to, dealing with (well, d-heads, in my language), the "15%".

It's perhaps not their fault if they have to, nine times out of ten, deal with drunk, drugged, crazy, or just plain "come and get me copper", etc people.

They (logically) first  assume that you are one of the 85%, on first contact.

I don't think it's their fault (if this is the case). You might be under-estimating how hard their job is,

Should the cop apologize or is that too much to ask?  When is a cop responsible for their behavior?

How does one obtain a "not my fault, just doing my job license" ? I would like to have one of those? How much do they cost?


   I hate the way the police talk to people . I hate the way they assume the average person is in some way a "perp" . I really hate that in traffic stops in my area its common to see men forced to lay on the ground . I despise the misuse of their power .

   I have never been much at antagonizing "authority " figures , but I have never been complacent about my rights either ..... why do so many just shrug it off ?

  I have filed complaints against cops more than once ... one time after a younger officer to offense at my beeping him for holding up the flow of traffic while he flirted with a younger woman ..lol  He actually told me it's ok for him to stop traffic for any reason he wants  ( I guess I am a radical  ;D)

  If I were DOOBIE I would be persuading a complaint against this particular officer ..... if for no other reason than to have a history of his abusive nature on file for when he takes it to the next level .


Quote from: marknh on July 07, 2009, 01:58 AM NHFT
the use of the cops language was uncalled for and highly unprofessional.
so your walking down the street with a holsted gun, i don't see what the problem is with that.

i misread this because of distractions ... hooray.



"Sir, this is NOT a FUCKING gun...... It's a gun..... am i being detained?"