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Vexers Guns

Started by vexer, July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT

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You say they protect you. You say they are given by the Constitution.

You will ignore the fact that the Constitution only sanctions citizen-guns as part of (quote) "...a well regulated militia"

This does not mean that you can carry a 9mm. But, we know  you will ignore that. You like your 9mm. Even though you are not a  part of a well regulated militia.

Ok. We've established you're going to ignore your Constitution.

The question I have then is: where do you draw the line, on weapons?

If the point of owning weapons is to be able to  defeat the government  (that you voted in), are a few AK47s really going to count?

I mean your Federal Government accounts for 80% of the entire worlds 'defence' budgets. Do you really think your Mac-10 is going to overthrow your government?


Why shouldn't a citizen be allowed to own a nuclear bomb?

Pat McCotter

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT

You say they protect you.

No, they don't. They are a tool for us to protect ourselves.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
You say they are given by the Constitution.

Rights are not given by the Constitution. The first ten amendments were written to guarantee rights that are inherent in us as human beings. Things the government  could not take away as it saw fit.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
You will ignore the fact that the Constitution only sanctions citizen-guns as part of (quote) "...a well regulated militia"

No it doesn't limit it to militias. It prohibits the federal government from infringing on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
This does not mean that you can carry a 9mm. But, we know  you will ignore that. You like your 9mm. Even though you are not a  part of a well regulated militia.

Yes, it does mean we can carry a 9mm if we choose to.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
Ok. We've established you're going to ignore your Constitution.

No, we haven't.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
The question I have then is: where do you draw the line, on weapons?

There is no line. You want one? Buy one. You want to use it for evil? Suffer the consequences.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
If the point of owning weapons is to be able to  defeat the government  (that you voted in), are a few AK47s really going to count?

No we didn't all "vote in" this government. If it came to civil war, it would not be individuals fighting against the government.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT
I mean your Federal Government accounts for 80% of the entire worlds 'defence' budgets. Do you really think your Mac-10 is going to overthrow your government?

The people who operate the US Government machinery of war are Americans. Not all of then will side with the government in case of tyranny.

Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT

Why shouldn't a citizen be allowed to own a nuclear bomb?


Lloyd Danforth


I dunno about nuclear weapons but...

At the time the Second Amendment was written, private citizens owned cannons that could sink the largest ship in the navy.

I figure that justifies everything up to and including an Exocet missile.

John Edward Mercier

He/She also ignores two factors...
1. The federal government is not considered sovereign... that is why its the United States.
2. Under NH statutes all able-bodied men past the age of majority are automatically part of the regulated militia. It doesn't necessary mean that we are going to take up arms... but by Governor decree can be put into service in the case of any State-level emergency.


I was also going to point out that some of us may or may not be part of a well regulated militia.  I'm not sure why everyone thinks that phrase must mean a publicly funded or regulated militia.

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteWhy shouldn't a citizen be allowed to own a nuclear bomb?

I think they should be. But let's be clear. I don't think they should be allowed to USE them. I support ownership of iPods but I don't think people should be permitted to put them in socks and beat other people with them. It's the aggression in the USE OF the thing, and not the thing that should be rejected.


You say they protect you

I actually don't. I strongly support weapons ownership but I don't go on that BS "self-defense" thing. To be frank, I've lived in some of the scummiest places in America and walked down the street unarmed. I've been nervous in some of those places, but not actually FEARFUL. I've lived in neighborhoods where people I knew got shot over drug dealing turf wars or because they wore the wrong color.

Yet none of that pales in comparison to the apprehension I feel when a police beacon flashes in my windows.

More actual acts of crime are committed every day but they're "legitimized". How often do you see a person kidnapped by a cop flaunting "the law" as an excuse, despite the fact that the kidnap victim hasn't harmed anybody? How often do you see threats of violence compel people to the side of the road so that they can extort some small "fine" from a driver? I see it every day, and I'm 100% convinced that my camera, not my guns, is the only thing protecting me there.

So stop putting words in my mouth with your collectivst speak. "I" don't say guns protect me. I say people should be able to own guns because I believe people should be able to own ANYTHING.

QuoteOk. We've established you're going to ignore your Constitution.

Say SugarDVD started sending you DVDs of fetish porn, uninvited. You don't pull them from your mailbox, you don't watch them. You even try sending them back, telling them there must be some kind of mistake. They send you more, and then they send you a bill. Do you pay that bill?

I would not, but it would not make me a thief. See, agreements and contracts only work when you CONSENT to them. The Constitition of the United States of America is not MY Constitution. I didn't sign it, or write it, or explicitly agree to it. Furthermore, the Federal Government isn't MINE, anymore than you didn't pay for YOUR DVD subscription. It's. Not. YOURS. It's theirs.

The Constitution is a set of words on paper, much like the laws they pass in state houses and senate buildings all across the country. I didn't write, consent or agree to any of them either.

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: liftsboxes on July 05, 2009, 10:02 AM NHFT
I was also going to point out that some of us may or may not be part of a well regulated militia.  I'm not sure why everyone thinks that phrase must mean a publicly funded or regulated militia.
Because the phrase is in a public document...


I don't have a Constitution.

I do have the right to protect myself and my property though.



IV. The unorganized militia shall consist of all able-bodied residents of the state who are 18 years of age or older, who are, or have declared their intention to become, citizens of the United States, and who are not serving in the national guard or the state guard.

I guess this means that I'm part of the militia and can own a firearm!

If you get really bored, you should read the DC vs Heller SCOTUS decision. 
All of the rights in the bill of rights are individual rights, including the 2nd amendment.


Quote from: vexer on July 05, 2009, 01:35 AM NHFT

You say they protect you. You say they are given by the Constitution.

You will ignore the fact that the Constitution only sanctions citizen-guns as part of (quote) "...a well regulated militia"

This does not mean that you can carry a 9mm. But, we know  you will ignore that. You like your 9mm. Even though you are not a  part of a well regulated militia.

Here ....read through the several thousand reports of successful personal protection by people not regulated by any bureaucratic group . Far left side about mid way down the archive starts ... about 6 years of it .

The FBI's early crime report has for all most 3 decades reported an average of a million successful uses of hand guns saving lives and property from theft ..


And AS A MATTER OF FACT  THE SCOTUS has ruled that these rights are Individual rights  recently

I am getting the feeling that your a UN loving anti gin / anti personal liberty .. let the government provide for all of needs kind of person .. tell us about the quality of life in the country you live in ..how many cameras recording your daily life .. the gov running your health care system ?? How is that working for you ??



Quote from: violence on July 05, 2009, 02:11 PM NHFT
vexer = paul helmke

Do you say this as fact .. or as sarcasm .. not that it would not fit .

vexer  stated that he / she lived in the US for a bit ..  and loved NH .

FWIW the Brady people are liars and fools ..there time would be better spent educating parents how to protect their kids from poisoning themselves and fighting gang influence in densely populated urban environments .



dont feed the trolls?