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Gold: $470.60/oz

Started by Michael Fisher, September 21, 2005, 01:59 PM NHFT

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Pat K

Gold Hits Fresh Record Highs at $1,030

John Edward Mercier

Not news now, but Sunday evening the investment window on my monitor flashed the news the Fed has cut the discount rate a quarter point. But I think the real news was Friday night after the markets closed on the Bear Stearns buyout offer.

John Galt

None of this is real news.

Wait til gold hits $10K...lol.

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

my the $ has fallen these last few years

Lloyd Danforth

No!......No!.....Gold & Silver have just, magically gone up!

Pat McCotter

It's the speculators! It's the hoarders!  Confiscate all the gold and silver!

Kat Kanning

Gold $1502
Silver 44.46  :o


Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 20, 2011, 04:16 AM NHFT
Gold $1502
Silver 44.46  :o

I think I told people it was stupid to buy silver at $15/oz.  :-\

Kat Kanning

Silver up over $46 today.

Russell Kanning

I wonder if the Liberty Dollar guys were still mintin' ...... would it say $50 or $100?

Kat Kanning

It's at $46.56 now, so I guess it'd have to mint at more than $50.

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning



Ya can't eat it though. I hope folks buying it can use it for buying food and stufh.