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Hoyt Farm room available July 2009

Started by Russell Kanning, July 16, 2009, 07:11 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

We have room for one more roommate at the Hoyt Farm.

$400 /month plan includes utilities - all you do is clean up after yourself

$250+- /month plan is sharing utilities and working to keep this place running (snow removal, firewood, yard maint., major cleaning, etc.)

current occupants are Kat/russell, Kira, John C., and often Dada

Russell Kanning

the hard part of using a forum to get info out ... is that you have to bump the thread or create controversy so the conversation keeps going ... or let Kat and her pun buddies get a hold of the thread

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 18, 2009, 04:59 AM NHFT
the hard part of using a forum to get info out ... is that you have to bump the thread or create controversy so the conversation keeps going ... or let Kat and her pun buddies get a hold of the thread

as anyone seen this alleged room .. or is this another conspiracy .. ;D

Lloyd Danforth

It's the former Boardroom for the free State Party

Russell Kanning


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 19, 2009, 02:22 PM NHFT
the room is part of a conspiracy

I knew it , lets get Alex Jones on it .... I bet if some one looked hard enough they could link it to chemtrails  ::)

The wife and I wanted to make porcfest so bad and couldn't because I was having surgery ( I had my right shoulder rebuilt ) , but we want to come out for a week or two and see where we want to live in NH.  if no one has rented the room would you be interested in renting it to us for a short period of time ? I m certain that we would be happy to pay a full month's rent for at most a couple weeks use .. would we get use of a shower ?

Russell Kanning

if you needed to rent the room for less that the whole month, we would not charge you a whole month, it would just be more than the usual for the time spent here. That is what we do with Dada right now.
We could charge you $15/day so you could look around.
Of course anyone who lives here has access to the shower ... and the clawfoot bathtub (you just have to work around Kira's 1-4 hour baths).
People who are just camping here for $5/day get access to the showers and bathrooms. :)