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Speed trap countermeasures

Started by TackleTheWorld, July 24, 2009, 03:01 PM NHFT

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The state police have been weaving a speed trap in Winchester NH lately.  It's on 119 near Ashuelot Rd. where the speed limit is 35.  Yesterday I found someone had put up warning signs for travelers and got some video.

Kat Kanning

LOL, whoever did that is a really cool person  ;D

Recumbent ReCycler

Yeah, definitely a very cool response to a speed trap.  My Valentine 1 radar detector usually gives me adequate warning before I get within view of the police.  I've noticed that the State Police usually use the Ka band, but I've seen one trooper who was using the K band.  Somersworth seems to use just the Ka band, and Dover uses both Ka and K.  I've only seen the X band used for those signs that tell you how fast you're going, and I've only seen laser used at the toll booths.  Speed limits in NH seem to be mostly set artificially low, and not in accordance with NHTSA standards.  I'm considering selling my car, and if I do, I'll plan to sell my radar detector too.

Tom Sawyer

Cool... A flash of an awning shirt and he was gone! Off to do daring deeds elsewhere in the Shire!
I think I heard "The William Tell Overture"... he was a Fabulous individual! (Youngsters, like Puke, ask your parents about that line)

Pat McCotter

Looks like we're in trouble, Tonto.

Pat K

What  do you mean "we" white man Kemosabe?

Pat McCotter


Quote from: Recumbent ReCycler on July 24, 2009, 03:29 PM NHFT
My Valentine 1 radar detector usually gives me adequate warning before I get within view of the police.

You must really be pedaling that trike!

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: KBCraig on July 24, 2009, 05:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: Recumbent ReCycler on July 24, 2009, 03:29 PM NHFT
My Valentine 1 radar detector usually gives me adequate warning before I get within view of the police.

You must really be pedaling that trike!

Hehe, I don't use the radar detector with my trike because I don't have a 12V power supply on it, I don't want too much stuff hanging off my trike, it would be more susceptible to damage or theft, and if I get a speeding ticket on my trike, I'll make it my profile picture on fb.  Radar doesn't usually detect my trike until I'm fairly close.  I also hardly ever go more than 10 mph over the speed limit on my trike.  If I sell my car, my trike will go from being my primary mode of transportation to virtually my only mode of transportation.


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 24, 2009, 03:01 PM NHFT
The state police have been weaving a speed trap in Winchester NH lately.  It's on 119 near Ashuelot Rd. where the speed limit is 35.  Yesterday I found someone had put up warning signs for travelers

This is the kind of stuff I like to see, but I hardly ever see speed traps in my state.

Still would love to leave some "Warning: Police Revenue Trap Ahead" signs around every once and a while.

I noticed this is under the civil disobedience area, which law would I be breaking?


They made up a law.  After I got the video they stole the signs from the roadside because they were "distracting motorists"  This from a guy wearing a fluorescent green vest and a smokey bear hat.   

Jim Johnson

I defy anyone to stand on the side of the road and wear a smokey bear hat and not have people stare at you.

"Ahhh, cop!
"Look Mommy, Mokee!"

Kat Kanning

I bet the speed trap was more distracting.  Those guys in the funny hats are such thieves.


Police officers arent allowed to hide in my state either.. they seem pretty conveniently placed behind those bushes, also I don't see how that sign is any more distracting than a speed limit sign, or even better, a yard sale sign.

Sad they just can't tell the truth and say its inconvenient for their revenue.

Pat K

Need to make the sign heavy.

Then it would seem to much like work for them to move it.