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What should I say to Senator Shaheen?

Started by Friday, August 04, 2009, 07:31 PM NHFT

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Senator Jeanne Shaheen called me on my cell today. Yeah, homegirl and I are like *that*.   :fingerscrossed:  I told her she just broke in my wicked cool new Muse ringtone.  She said "Hey sister, let's rap Thursday night about the future of healthcare legislation in New Hampshire." 

OK, it was her recorded voice that called, but still... I do like my new ringtone.   ;)

So, any suggestions as to what I should ask Jeanne Thursday evening?  And... anyone know how much of a delay they put on those electronic town hall meetings?   >:D

Pat K

Alas I think that asking anything of
Shaheen or any of the other scu- I
mean senator or congress people is a waste of breath.

Perhaps a rousing cheer of we won't obey and won't
pay, would jar them.

But they are probably by now to arrogant even for that.



Quote from: Pat K on August 04, 2009, 07:53 PM NHFT
Alas I think that asking anything of
Shaheen or any of the other scu- I
mean senator or congress people is a waste of breath.

Perhaps a rousing cheer of we won't obey and won't
pay, would jar them.

But they are probably by now to arrogant even for that.
Oh geez, you don't actually think that *I* think that Jeanne or any other influence peddler will listen to, or care about, what I think?

I was thinking more along the lines of pranking.   :icon_pirat:


Maybe along the lines of 'Boy howdy, Lord Shaheen, your health care plan sounds like a great idea, but I was wondering, on the slim chance that there was a better idea out there, would I be allowed to support that idea instead?' Something to expose the gun behind her great ideas.


How about 'screw health care', we need to get the government completely out of the food, drug and medicine biz. That means end prohibition, end all licensure laws, etc.

Moebius Tripp

"I forget, could you tell me which article of the constitution authorizes federal control of health care?"

Fluff and Stuff

I'll talk to you then Sandy.  I'm waiting for the phone call b/t 6 and 6:10 pm.

I'm wondering how she know to call me.  I know I've emailed her a dozen times and called her a couple.  However, I did refuse to shake her hand when she offered.

Pat K

Quote from: Friday on August 04, 2009, 08:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on August 04, 2009, 07:53 PM NHFT
Alas I think that asking anything of
Shaheen or any of the other scu- I
mean senator or congress people is a waste of breath.

Perhaps a rousing cheer of we won't obey and won't
pay, would jar them.

But they are probably by now to arrogant even for that.
Oh geez, you don't actually think that *I* think that Jeanne or any other influence peddler will listen to, or care about, what I think?

I was thinking more along the lines of pranking.   :icon_pirat:

Nope just typing out loud. ;D

Jim Johnson

I'd ask her...

Do you support putting people in jail if they don't want to help with your health plans?

If you know how to make the health care system work... why don't you start a company, make billions of dollars and provide health care for the poor?

Isn't basic health care just telling fatass not to eat so much and asking smoky if he needs 20 cigarettes a day, cause maybe 15 will do?
How much would that cost?
And try drinking more water than soda pop.
And get the fuck off the top rung of the ladder, your gon'a fall and break your ass... How much could that possibly cost?
Your talking about pointing guns at people so you can pay for your bullshit.
And by the way, stop pointing guns at people.   :ahoy:


I appears that the head enemy (Mr. Obama) himself is making an appearance in Portsmouth next Tuesday 11th at a town hall meeting for his socialist "Healthcare" ponzi scheme.  

Russell Kanning

Grafton is only getting 2 Shaheen operatives Thursday between 10-12.
They might get a rude welcome.

Lloyd Danforth

Bump!  I hope Ridley is going to be there.  This is going on at the town Offices next to the Firehouse.

Lloyd Danforth

Tom Sawyer

Who does her make-up? Her eyes look like burn holes in a blanket. ;D