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Earth Quakes

Started by Lloyd Danforth, August 10, 2009, 05:09 PM NHFT

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I majored in physical geography in kolidge and lurned all about earthquakes.  It's one of the many (MANY) reasons I decided I wanted to get out of California.

Oh, hey, Pat Robertson has these words of compassion for the poor, pitiful Haitiians:
They Have Been Cursed': Pat Robertson Says Haiti 'Swore a Pact to the Devil'

Srsly?   :(


Well, he did follow that up, immediately, with asking for lots of prayer for them.

Pat McCotter

Haiti has been shaking for over 36 hours since the original quake - from 4.2 to 5.9.

Lloyd Danforth

Too bad the entire government wasn't killed.
France would probably send them another dictator.


Quote from: Ogre on January 13, 2010, 07:54 PM NHFT
Well, he did follow that up, immediately, with asking for lots of prayer for them.
So that makes it OK then?  I'll bet he blames rape victims, too.  They're all asking for it, you know.  Sluts. 

But then he prays for them.

Lloyd Danforth

I thought he just died.  I get them confused. Except Billy Graham.  Is he dead yet?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Friday on January 14, 2010, 07:27 AM NHFT
Quote from: Ogre on January 13, 2010, 07:54 PM NHFT
Well, he did follow that up, immediately, with asking for lots of prayer for them.
So that makes it OK then?  I'll bet he blames rape victims, too.  They're all asking for it, you know.  Sluts. 

But then he prays for them.

He prays that the rape victims change their demon ways.  That they were punished by a rapist, he believes, is God's justice.

Jim Johnson

White House: Robertson Remark About Haiti's Devil Pact 'Utterly Stupid'


I predict a major cat fight.   :happy1:

Pat McCotter

Obama will have to bring Pat in for a beer.

Russell Kanning

wow ... you would feel all of that rumbling

didn't they teach u in coledge that earthquakes are caused by pat robertson? talk about jumping in for headlines ...sheeesh
i also found it funny in california how they never knew which fault was more likely to move next .... or how big the quake actually was or pretty much anything
my prediction

government "aid" never helps anyone
private aid is held back by guns
dangerous "anarchy" and chaos ensues
pat robertson makes deal with devil so he can be president
he was only negotiating with a demon .... gets sent by france or the US to be the Haitian dictator
he prays for and gets meteorite to hit america

billy graham is dead ... he was pretty old
pat robertson and osama might still be alive .... or at least they are making statements to the media

Lloyd Danforth

Quoteauthor=Russell Kanning link=topic=18833.msg316304#msg316304

billy graham is dead ... he was pretty old

Somebody ought to tell him.



My daughter remembered this video we watched a while ago - a new technology to make clean water on site. Please watch it and consider it if you are looking to make a donation for Haiti.


Russell Kanning

oops ... i guess she died, but he is just not doing public events

in other haitian news .... they might have to wait a few more years now


Pat K

Francisco Franco is still dead, right?

Lloyd Danforth

Ya mean Generalissimo Francisco Franco? I'll check with Chevy.