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William Makes MSNBC for Open Carry at Obama Event

Started by FTL_Ian, August 11, 2009, 04:36 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

That was hilarious!  "Time to water the tree of liberty."  Did the reporters not know what that meant?

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: Kevin DeanI wanted to make a small corrected to the line in your recent article.

"Open carriage of licensed handguns is legal in New Hampshire"

Firearms do not have to be registered in New Hampshire, and there is
no requirement to have a license or permit in order to open carry. The
New Hampshire constitution makes the freedom to practice your religion
and the freedom to own a firearm equal - you don't need to ask the
state first.

-Kevin Dean

Quote from: John Cookthanks. i did not know that.  msnbc described it as licensed, and i was relying on their coverage.

The article now has a strikthrough. Win.


When I hear reporters like this, it really disappoints me because it highlights the average person's intelligence in America today. These reporters are honestly shocked and amazed that a person might walk around with a gun. It absolutely terrifies them. I'm sure at the end of the day, other reporters were congratulating the cameraman who had the guts to walk near the dangerous person. And their fear is amplified and accepted by the majority of the public. Now how do you fight against a majority of millions of people who are absolutely terrified that a private citizen is armed?

Kat Kanning

People are bound to notice that the police wouldn't 'do anything about it'.

Sam A. Robrin

Don't miss what Lavender Liberal says about this very site!

Kat Kanning

That's funny :)  I like the part where she freaks out about a gun being within 100 miles of her Obama-god.


Im just finishing it up also, I find it hilarious that all these news reporters can do is speculate on what they think should be done instead of knowing the law.

K. Darien Freeheart

Wanna bet my comment is rejected?

"I'm from the NHUnderground. Come on in, the water's fine! Be careful not to trip over the excess non-aggression principle lying around. It's sometimes a bit alarming to newbies."

Kat Kanning

I've gotten so used to people carrying guns all the time in NH, it seems funny to see these guys getting their panties in such a knot over it.
