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William Makes MSNBC for Open Carry at Obama Event

Started by FTL_Ian, August 11, 2009, 04:36 PM NHFT

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Great interview with MSNBC, if you represent the quality of people in the FSP then I may just try to become an illegal immigrant to get there sooner. You've made the papers in the United Kingdom. The arseholes just needed to get a comment in about white supremists, even in foreign countries they want to fob off liberty lovers as nutheads.



William, I am so proud of you!!  You were awesome against Chris Mathews. :)

Keyser Soce


Filming with Inside Edition at 2 (won't air till later).

Alex Jones at 3:30

Alan Comes (fox radio network) 10:30

Waiting to hear back from Freedom Watch and CBS

To anyone in manchester, I need this shirt in large or poss med in the next half hour to wear on the show.

I'll be leaving a 411 in a minute.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 12, 2009, 09:00 AM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on August 12, 2009, 08:47 AM NHFT
If it is true that because of you, Obama was forced to crawl into the back of a uhaul truck, I place you on a very high pedestal.

What the story here?  :)

May not be true, but it was said that rather than enter with the limousine entourage, he came in in the back of a uhaul.


It's too bad these stations don't have the sense to broadcast out of Keene, the liberty media capital of the world. I could have supplied all of your FSP t-shirt needs!

Kat Kanning

Cool, yesterday Alex Jones was freaking out thinking that William was a agent provacateur.


Keyser Soce

Inside edition, channel 5 Boston 7pm, see if you recognize the broom closet. Might be a smear job. Hope not, we'll see. Should get a better view of the t-shirt and I got in an FSP plug if they don't edit it out.

firecracker joe

Nice Job william.You are a asset to the free state project and a real stand up guy. I find it funny how the world is in an uproar over a guy without a badge daring to carry a fire arm. was it loaded that jerk matthews asked. and a great response by william who the hell would carry an unloaded firearm! Again you deffinetly have my vote for a brass balls award. for all the reporters having a problem with a man, a non felon, free, and over 21 carrying a loaded firearm to a public gathering,  get a grip this is a free country still and will remain that way as long as their are liberty lovers such as william and most of the free staters
for all liberty lovers who feel the same way and want to carry a firearm in public come to New Hampshire  the "LiVE FREE OR DIE STATE"  come join the revolution before its over.
                                                                          Firecracker Joe

Tom Sawyer