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William Makes MSNBC for Open Carry at Obama Event

Started by FTL_Ian, August 11, 2009, 04:36 PM NHFT

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Quote from: AnarcSyn on August 12, 2009, 07:47 PM NHFT
It's a rational reading of the anticipated behavior of a man who brandishes a gun

Good thing no one has brandished a gun at a town hall meeting.

Kat Kanning

Free libertarian


I understand that he wants to sound smart but fails because he condones the use of force against those he disagrees with.

I'd rather have him babbling on a website as opposed to tossing bricks through the local starbucks' window.

Keyser Soce

Quote from: AnarcSyn on August 12, 2009, 07:47 PM NHFT
And the astonishing, breathtaking, maddening fact that he hasn't been violently taken to the ground by large men wearing suits and earpieces is an open encouragement to anyone else so inclined to give it a shot.

I hereby encourage you and anyone else so inclined to exercise whatever rights you believe you still have to the fullest extent.


i'm open carrying to the health care town hall with a sign. haven't decided the sign

probably "why should i pay for your health care and mine" or "no government, no masters" or "i hate protesters"


Quote from: AnarcSyn on August 12, 2009, 07:47 PM NHFT
It's a rational reading of the anticipated behavior of a man who brandishes a gun at the location where the president is expected to imminently arrive while holding a sign that openly advocates his assassination. And the astonishing, breathtaking, maddening fact that he hasn't been violently taken to the ground by large men wearing suits and earpieces is an open encouragement to anyone else so inclined to give it a shot.

"Give it a shot."

Freudian slip? Careful, it's not like the media is having a field day already trying to spin this into a racist/Nazi/militia BS story. I really liked that suzanna huff youtube clip.


duddddeeee you guuyyssss are nazis, now pay for my health care or die!

Keyser Soce





I think he means the yellow sign with red lettering that is behind/under/covered-up by the white sign with black lettering.


Will was not "brandishing" a weapon.
He was lawfully carrying a tool on his thigh.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Puke on August 12, 2009, 06:18 PM NHFT
Why does no one think a cop or SS goon can go crazy start shooting?
They are human too. I guess the costume means they are better than human?
They wear the costumes I would wear if I were there to sneak in a weapon and harm the President.