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William Makes MSNBC for Open Carry at Obama Event

Started by FTL_Ian, August 11, 2009, 04:36 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: dalebert on August 12, 2009, 01:12 PM NHFT
It's too bad these stations don't have the sense to broadcast out of Keene, the liberty media capital of the world. I could have supplied all of your FSP t-shirt needs!

they are not liberty media ... so it makes sense

Kat Kanning


Despite the fact that I do not endorse the message on the sign, I think William handled the interview as well as any one of us could have - certainly better than I would have.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: John on August 13, 2009, 08:33 AM NHFT
certainly better than I would have.
Pretty much what everybody around here is saying.

Keyser Soce

Daily show. Not complimentary but whatever. It also contains the pres' statements about the free market competing with the government.



I thought Stewart did pretty good at making fun of the love-fest inside the faux town hall.


stewart is a tool i can't watch that for more than 2 mins


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 12, 2009, 08:28 PM NHFT
Does anyone understand AnarcSyn's posts?
Only partly; the needlessly polysyllabic florid showoffery is getting in the way of the communication. 

Anyway, he/she's saying William shouldn't have brought a gun to the town hall meeting.  Perhaps self-defense is inappropriate when in the presence of the most dangerous human being on the planet...   


Keyser Soce

William Kostric decided to exercise his first and second amendment rights yesterday by going to a town hall meeting where the President of the United States was fielding questions on healthcare–with a gun.  No, the President of the United States didn't have a gun, Mr. Kostric, a New Hampshire patriot, was carrying the gun, along with a sign, which said "IT IS TIME TO WATER THE TREE OF LIBERTY."

Now for those unfamiliar with gardening, Mr. Kostric is not talking about getting out the garden hose and watering the willow or taking out his trouser snake and pissing on his pine tree.  Mr. Kostric is referring to a line from Thomas Jefferson–you know the Thomas Jefferson who a couple of months ago was seen as some liberal whacko–which says the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots.

Some consider his carrying of a weapon near the President coupled with the provocative message on the sign to be threatening.  But of course he was not planning on anything menacing by brandishing his firearm.  After all, the gun was not loaded, and only meant to display his right to bear arms, right?

When asked by Chris Matthews if the his gun was loaded, Mr. Kostric replied "Who'd Be Silly Enough To Carry An Unloaded Firearm?"

I certainly do admire this true American's spunk.  This guy isn't afraid to stand up for his beliefs, no matter how insane the mainstream media makes him out to be.  He isn't afraid to lay it on the line for liberty, no matter how many people will label him a wingnut.  He isn't afraid to carry a loaded weapon to an event where the President of the United States of America is speaking, no matter how flagged he is by the Secret Service.

Indeed, from now until this American legend dies–probably is some gun fight over some road kill not cooked to his liking or the price agreed upon for an oral-sex-for-meth deal–he will be hounded by the Secret Service. (how did she know?)

When any President, former or current, ever visits New Hampshire, Mr. Kostric will get a knock on his door.  Whenever a Vice President, sitting or retired, visits anything near New Hampshire, Mr. Kostric will get a knock on his door.  Whenever a First Lady or the children of a President visit anything up there in that corner of the country where liberals roam, he will get a knock on his door.

Blanca knows this all too well from personal experience.  Unfortunately I had a bit too much to drink celebrating the 2004 election, and I went to a town hall meeting with President Bush.  I guess I misunderstood the guy warming up the crowd when he said to show our love for the President.

It took five Secret Service agents to pry me off the President as I was dry humping his leg.

Looking at this fine American makes me proud to be a Republican today.  He represents the best and the brightest the Republican Party has to offer.  Mr. Kostric if the face of the New Republican Party.

Mr. Kostric is right.  The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots.

I think Kostric counts as a patriot.



Whose youtube channel is this?  Why is the audio censored?  It's censored so heavily you can't tell who is cursing.  I presume it's the thug, but there's no way to be sure.  I hope an uncensored version reaches the 'net.


I watched a daily show clip and wanted to throw up, Stewart is a liberal loving muppet.


I found an answer to your question "Who'd Be Silly Enough To Carry An Unloaded Firearm?".

While surfing the firearms forums last night reading reactions to your openly carrying your gun, I was astounded to learn that Kalifornia passed a law that requires an open-carry gun be UNLOADED.  Adding insult to injury, another law allows any cop to demand your gun to determine if it loaded.

Along with a very few snide comments about your choice of holster I saw quite a few offers to buy you a beer if they ever ran into you!

You did a great job!  Very impressive!

Keyser Soce

Quote from: jerry on August 13, 2009, 10:23 PM NHFT
I found an answer to your question "Who'd Be Silly Enough To Carry An Unloaded Firearm?".

While surfing the firearms forums last night reading reactions to your openly carrying your gun, I was astounded to learn that Kalifornia passed a law that requires an open-carry gun be UNLOADED.  Adding insult to injury, another law allows any cop to demand your gun to determine if it loaded.

Silly laws make people do silly things.

Quote from: jerry on August 13, 2009, 10:23 PM NHFT
Along with a very few snide comments about your choice of holster

They don't realize I bought that holster so I could open carry in the winter without my jacket covering it.

Quote from: jerry on August 13, 2009, 10:23 PM NHFT
I saw quite a few offers to buy you a beer if they ever ran into you!

Mmmmm, beer.

Quote from: jerry on August 13, 2009, 10:23 PM NHFT
You did a great job!  Very impressive!



The sign underneath reads:


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on August 13, 2009, 09:38 PM NHFT
Whose youtube channel is this?  Why is the audio censored?  It's censored so heavily you can't tell who is cursing.  I presume it's the thug, but there's no way to be sure.  I hope an uncensored version reaches the 'net.

one more example of a cop openly demonstrating he has no intention of protecting anyone... ridiculous