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William Makes MSNBC for Open Carry at Obama Event

Started by FTL_Ian, August 11, 2009, 04:36 PM NHFT

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Keyser Soce

"If the sign was threatening the president, does that mean Mathews agrees that Obama is a tyrant?"



Justin Raimondo took William (and the FSP, and well, anyone who would consider breaking one of the government's laws) to task here:


He posted the article on the freekeene forum as well.  It is written in his typical entertaining drama-queen fashion, and he has posted a few replies over there. 

I love the irony of Raimondo playing the "poisoning the well" card, when I believe he and the other Rothbardians (including Rothbard himself) were accused of the same thing when they tried to radicalize the Libertarian Party.


I was reading an article on Redskin fans booing their team despite a win --I'm not a football fan, just curious why fans would boo when the team won but what I thought was really interesting in the article was the reference to William's action.  It has really made it into the cultural consciousness.

"The Redskins aren't an incredibly talented football team. They didn't play down to the Rams this year; the two are on the same level.

The Redskins offense isn't explosive, it's barely even combustible.  The defense is great, but like having a moat around a castle in the desert, it rarely matters.

This is who the Redskins are: a team that will lose to the top teams in the NFC and struggle against the bad ones. But don't boo, there's no reason.

Booing implies that there's hope, that somehow a change for the better will result from negative motivation.

But none did. The Redskins were still putrid in the red zone and managed three points in the second half.  Stick by your team, stick by the Redskins, at least for more than a half.

Of course, everyone has the right to boo, but that doesn't mean you always should. Like when people carried guns to a health care debate. Just because you have the right, doesn't always mean you should exercise it.

If you want to express your dissatisfaction fine, but there's a better way to do it.

Grab a Bud Light, stroll through the concourse, and let it fly.  Then it won't just be the players who think you're a dimwit."

Lloyd Danforth

In the future exercising one's right will be called: "Pulling A William"

Kat Kanning


It does sound a little kinky, but I like it.  Let's make it "go viral."

Sam A. Robrin

"Grab a Bud Light, stroll through the concourse, and let it fly."

There's good advice for you, William . . .

Keyser Soce

Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on September 25, 2009, 09:09 AM NHFT
"Grab a Bud Light, stroll through the concourse, and let it fly."

There's good advice for you, William . . .

Open carry at a sporting event? That's just crazy!