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Man Jailed 3 Months for DWBM - Driving With Breath Mints?

Started by MTPorcupine3, August 27, 2009, 09:31 PM NHFT

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Donald May probably wishes he had just let his breath stay funky.

According to May, it was his bad luck to be chewing on breath mints when he was pulled over for an expired tag on his car. The arresting officer thought the mints looked like crack cocaine and threw Mays in the slammer for drug possession.

Believe it or not, it is possible that the mints tested positive. As it turns out, drug field tests routinely return false positives:

It's a bit odd how often narco field testing kits turn back false positives. In the past, we've seen chocolate chip cookies, deodorant, billiards chalk and Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap come back positive, all causing undeserved, firsthand familiarity with the criminal justice system for the owners of the innocuous substances. Looks like we can now add breath mints to the list.

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