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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Gang activity in Gold Beach, Oregon

Started by Pat McCotter, August 29, 2009, 04:26 AM NHFT

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Pat McCotter

Gang activity in Gold Beach, Oregon

Dear friends,

I know there are plenty of people out there who think I'm lucky to live in a small town because they think we who live rurally have fewer of the problems than those of you who live in urban environments. It's not so. Let me tell you that the problems you are facing have now reached small town America, and it isn't pretty.

The biggest problem we have here in Gold Beach, Oregon, is the infiltration of GANGS. Yes, young thugs wandering our streets with impunity. They have the temerity to just walk into our yards as if they belong there; as if they OWN them.

Just a few mornings ago, I took a photo of some of the unruly thugs that hang around just outside my door. Sometimes they stand between me and my car as if they own the place.

Yesterday, it was a whole damned family. See the arrogant look on their mother's face. Look at the way she brazenly sticks her tongue out at me. And where are the fathers? These are all single-mom families who allow their children to run amok. It's a national disgrace.

Notice the markings the children wear. I believe they're gang colors because ALL the young ones in town wear them. Some of them brandish pointy things on their heads that serve as weapons. Do you think any of them carry permits for them? No, they DON'T! I've heard the locals refer to them by what appears to be their gang's name: "The Town Deer." Just mouthing the name sends shudders through me.

Whole families of them, none of them with any visible signs of gainful employment, walk our streets day and night, and none of them speak English.

I tremble to think that they lurk out there all night, right next to my car, while I sleep. I never know what their intents are.

So, those of you who think I live in Eden, behold the terrors I must face EVERY MORNING. Bear witness to the thugs who wait for me just outside my door. Imagine what it would be like for you to wake up in the morning, to step out in the cold light of day, and have to find these monsters waiting for you.

John Silveira

Kat Kanning
