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420 protests and the medical marijuana override

Started by Rocketman, October 04, 2009, 02:36 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Rocketman on October 05, 2009, 03:53 PM NHFT
There is virtually zero risk of federal raids on the non-profit entities that would dispense marijuana if this bill passes, and virtually zero risk of raids on the patients.

"Virtually zero" != zero
"Virtually zero" > zero


Matt, why don't you make use of the good cop/bad cop scenario and let the politicians know that they are better off dealing with you than the folks who blatantly break the laws.  You can still go about it your way while decrying the smoke outs.  How can you not see the opportunity here, the state is being challenged on multiple fronts to defend this law.  Enforcement would burn through resources fast enough to make it unsustainable. 

You should be using this event to your advantage.  Ask the legislators what they think of smoke outs on the commons of their precious cities.  Tell them it is only a matter of time. 

You are not going to stop the marijuana activism with any amount of demands or ostracism.  If you think that it is being done overall to spite you specifically, you are far to vain for your own good. 

Jean Coutu

There must be a amicable solution to all this with respect to everyone in mind. Where it's pretty apparent Matt has been on the forefront of the medicinal bill, would a simple polite request that people entertain not lighting up at the Capital during the HB648 rally on the 28th be a possibility? We could all still be able to make the Manchester 4.20 rally & I'll bring the lighter :-)


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on October 06, 2009, 01:58 AM NHFT
Okay, I'll bite.

Who will declare victory?  No one is in charge.

Also, I'm not knocking Matt's efforts (especially since I have also put effort into them), but who says working harder is more valuable?  The activists in Keene have accomplished a lot (several front page news articles, nationwide publicity, world record, cannabis law enforcement-free-zones) in two weeks of doing virtually no work at all in comparison.

Finally, why should compromise be made with someone who says, "Do it my way, or you are an asshole."?


Why should you compromise?    Maybe because you are not an asshole?  Maybe because it might help reconcile some of the issues that are contributing to a growing conflict?  Because it could help prevent animosity.  Would refusal to compromise have something to do with being pissed off at being called a name?  Name calling will only beget name calling.  Let's not start a vicious cycle of animosity here.  Break the cycle of animosity.
How would you declare victory? 

What would happen if you gathered a group of people around you, or you got on the bullhorn or whatever at the next 420 protest and explained the situation to them?  How many of the people who are showing up might understand the logic behind Matt's request?  If enough people agree then everyone give a round of Huzzahs and declare victory.     

Publicity for these protests is good but why leave it at that?  Adding a medical marijuana bill would also add to the publicity.  End the 420 protests on a high note, add that to medical marijuana.  Adding a medical marijuana bill victory would only enhance the value of the 420 protests.  You can get on the air and say..."Hey can we get shit done here in NH or can we get shit done?"   


everyone's got such great ideas about how everyone else should be doing things.  Maybe we all need to step back and get the fuck out of everyone else's business.  The greatest ideas come from those that don't really do anything but talk online.


Quote from: JJ on October 06, 2009, 01:12 PM NHFT
Matt, why don't you make use of the good cop/bad cop scenario and let the politicians know that they are better off dealing with you than the folks who blatantly break the laws.  You can still go about it your way while decrying the smoke outs.  How can you not see the opportunity here, the state is being challenged on multiple fronts to defend this law.  Enforcement would burn through resources fast enough to make it unsustainable. 

I AM doing that.  Breaking some lemons so I can make lemonade.  The request on behalf of patients was to chill for a few weeks.  When somebody told me I might wind up with a backlash of 200-300 activists on the state house steps Oct. 28 if I suggested that, I decided to see what would actually happen if I told my "friends" what I thought their actions would accomplish. 

I am going to publicly distance myself from anybody who smokes pot in public to make political points.  First I want to privately distance myself from such people, and that's what this wonderful little flame war is all about.

You should be using this event to your advantage.  Ask the legislators what they think of smoke outs on the commons of their precious cities.  Tell them it is only a matter of time. 

Distancing myself from fringe anarchists IS using the event to my advantage.  You people have no credibility with the legislature or the general public, and you've made it clear that you don't want any, but yet some of you say you want to change the laws? 

QuoteYou are not going to stop the marijuana activism with any amount of demands or ostracism.  If you think that it is being done overall to spite you specifically, you are far to vain for your own good.

I think it is being done with absolute disregard for strategy, and with disrespect for a native population that has its own ideas about how people ought to act in polite society. 

If this strategy had been employed in Mass last year, that ballot initiative would have failed with maybe 40% of the vote instead of passing with 65%.  For those who maybe think it passed because people smoke pot in Boston once a year, you should know that polls showed this as a 50-50 split a few weeks before the vote.  Then CSMP ran tv ads featuring police officers who said they were against legalization, but that they supported decrim.  Now Mass. has the best decrim law in the country.

Results, people...


Quote from: Rocketman on October 07, 2009, 06:10 AM NHFT
The request on behalf of patients was to chill for a few weeks.

The request on behalf of this patient is to smoke up in the state house on the 28th. You listen to patients right? Or do you only listen to patients that go along with your own selfish agenda?

Unfortunately I can't make it to the state house on the 28th, because I have to work so I can afford the expensive medications I have to buy every month; However, I will be at the 420 protests every weekend. Maybe I will have to protest at the capitol on the 24th, instead of the 28th.

If you want to talk about strategy, you should not have made your bill so weak that sick people have to suffer 3 months before being able to legally use marijuana as medication.

NH does not need a medical marijuana law, if it looks any thing like HB 648. Most people will have suffered and died a horrible death before they can legally ease their pain. -- Your bill would have killed me if it were the law and I wanted to follow your law.


Quote from: thinkliberty on October 07, 2009, 07:37 AM NHFT
If you want to talk about strategy, you should not have made your bill so weak that sick people have to suffer 3 months before being able to legally use marijuana as medication.

The three months is only for severe pain patients, not for patients with cancer, MS, or other illnesses.  I think the three months thing sucks, but the committee wanted it in there.  Originally, the bill would also have allowed patients to grow their own plants -- I objected pretty strenuously when that was removed, but the legislators thought it would appease Governor Lynch.

The original bill was pretty darn good.  I admit that it was significantly weakened through the committee process.  That was very frustrating, but it is still a hell of a lot better than nothing... if you prefer nothing, fine, be an asshole and smoke on the steps of the capitol.  Make it clear to any passers-by that you oppose HB 648, that it's wrong to let some sick people have safe, legal access to marijuana unless everybody who claims an illness can also have such access right away.

Your bill would have killed me if it were the law and I wanted to follow your law.

Yeah, right.   ::)


Quote from: Rocketman on October 07, 2009, 08:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: thinkliberty on October 07, 2009, 07:37 AM NHFT
If you want to talk about strategy, you should not have made your bill so weak that sick people have to suffer 3 months before being able to legally use marijuana as medication.

The three months is only for severe pain patients, not for patients with cancer, MS, or other illnesses.  I think the three months thing sucks, but the committee wanted it in there.  Originally, the bill would also have allowed patients to grow their own plants -- I objected pretty strenuously when that was removed, but the legislators thought it would appease Governor Lynch.

The original bill was pretty darn good.  I admit that it was significantly weakened through the committee process.  That was very frustrating, but it is still a hell of a lot better than nothing... if you prefer nothing, fine, be an asshole and smoke on the steps of the capitol.  Make it clear to any passers-by that you oppose HB 648, that it's wrong to let some sick people have safe, legal access to marijuana unless everybody who claims an illness can also have such access right away.

Your bill would have killed me if it were the law and I wanted to follow your law.

Yeah, right.   ::)

PM me your contact information, I will fill out some forms to give you access to my medical records, if you want to check on it.

edit: Good thing you made sure to appease the governor Lynch's mob.

I doubt I have 5 years left with all the chemo I have taken, I don't have time to wait for you to change your laws. I want freedom in my very limited lifetime.  If that makes me an asshole -- Fuck You.



It's not my event.  If Rocketman or the sick people that have allegedly asked him to try to stop these events would bother to show up and ask themselves, maybe that would work.

I will not be delivering a message of "fellow slaves, pipe down - you may anger massa!", as I don't care what massa thinks, and besides that IT'S NOT MY EVENT.  The people who put it together said it was to happen every day, and it has.  Who am I to step into their party and say otherwise?


Quote from: anthonybpugh on October 07, 2009, 02:04 AM NHFT
Name calling will only beget name calling.  Let's not start a vicious cycle of animosity here.  Break the cycle of animosity.

Obviously you jest (as usual) but there's a lot of truth to it. It should be clear by now that there are deeply held beliefs on both sides and no opinions are budging. Matt, you're just lashing out now and it's not accomplishing anything. I was too. I recently made another smart-assed jab at you on another forum. It was a fellow Quaker who persuaded me to remove it. I think you have the right idea to distance yourself from us and to use the activism that you disagree with exactly as was recently suggested and you seemed to agree so I would encourage you to get on with it and leave us and yourself in peace.


Quote from: dalebert on October 06, 2009, 07:34 AM NHFT
Russell, has this thread become eligible for Endless Debate and Whining yet?  :)
I would certainly say so.  It's getting downright ugly.  When I get out of work, I'm going to see if I've got mod access to move this, if someone doesn't beat me to it.


No.  I am not making a jest.  Just trying to make a serious point in a more humorous manner.

I'm essentially seeing some people acting like jerks and hiding being principles.  They are acting like rigid fanatics who would rather spend all their time sniping at other people.  They are right and they will not yield one inch. 

Talk about peace.  Talk about creating a better more peaceful society yet you will not do some of the basic simple things required to make peace with people you know.   Talk about rising above what's come before and yet you act like a bunch of fucking children.   


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on October 07, 2009, 08:44 AM NHFT
It's not my event.

You have been suggesting that people do this type of thing for many years, and as soon as a few people started doing it, you stepped in to promote it. 


Quote from: thinkliberty on October 07, 2009, 08:36 AM NHFT
PM me your contact information, I will fill out some forms to give you access to my medical records, if you want to check on it.

I totally believe you have cancer, and I totally support your right to use marijuana whether you do it legally or illegally.  I wish the very best for you and your health.

edit: Good thing you made sure to appease the governor Lynch's mob.

Yup, that sucked.  I considered withdrawing support for the bill, but I talked it over with each of the patients that had been involved, and they all thought the amended bill was worth continuing to fight for, so I decided not to take my marbles and go home.

I doubt I have 5 years left with all the chemo I have taken, I don't have time to wait for you to change your laws. I want freedom in my very limited lifetime.  If that makes me an asshole -- Fuck You.

It's okay, I've been fucked before.