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Another addition to our family

Started by Raineyrocks, October 07, 2009, 05:42 PM NHFT

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My grandson was born in Massachusetts, Monday.  He was born a month and a half too soon so he's battling right now.  He did weigh 4 pounds, 8 ounces, 17 inches long, so I know it could've been worse.  They took x-rays yesterday and now he has Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) so he's on 50% oxygen right now.

It was so hard to leave him and come back home.  I'll probably go back to Mass. this weekend.

Please send loads of positive energy his way!

The 1st picture is from the day he was born, then the 2nd picture is when he started getting more respiratory problems.


Congratulations, and we'll send some positive vibes!



Quote from: MaineShark on October 07, 2009, 06:46 PM NHFT
Congratulations, and we'll send some positive vibes!


Awesome, he needs them!  Thanks again!


4 1/2 lbs!?  Yikes.  I hope he's OK!

Lloyd Danforth

My cousin in Cal., a healthy 40 something was one of the first babies under a pound and a half to survive back in the 60's.


Quote from: Friday on October 07, 2009, 09:12 PM NHFT
4 1/2 lbs!?  Yikes.  I hope he's OK!

Yeah, me too.  Lloyd is right about babies surviving at really, really, low birth weights.  Elijah's, (new grandson's name), weight is pretty good for a preemie.   What worries me are the complications he's having right now.


I just found out that my Uncle was only 2lbs, 2 months early and he was born in the 50's and he's fine.

My grandson is starting to eat and off of oxygen, they are moving him from NICU today!  I'm so happy!  :bdance2: