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Berlin NH?

Started by tomhawk, October 09, 2009, 05:35 PM NHFT

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Why does Berlin have a bad reputation for crime/violence?

K. Darien Freeheart

Likely all the crime and violence.


I never heard of a particular reputation for violence, but there's a lot of small property crime, like vandalism and theft.

And the arson, of course. They caught one guy, but it hasn't ended.



According to Guinness's Book of World Records, Berlin, New Hampshire is the only city in the world that has declined economically in each and every one of the last 80 years.


Being from Detroit, it sounds like a lovely place.


land and homes are cheap.  If you can afford a trailer down here, you can afford a house there.  I've been looking into it. 

Pat K

Looks like a nice place to me.

Lloyd Danforth

I heard that they had to 'Hock' the Space Needle.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: tomhawk on October 09, 2009, 05:35 PM NHFT
Why does Berlin have a bad reputation for crime/violence?

I have no clue.  Actually, Berlin has very little crime for a city with 10,000 people.  It's lower then in Manchester, Keene, and dozens of other cities and towns in NH. While the tax rate is high, taxes are low too, by NH standards.


Lloyd Danforth

Low crime could be due to all that light.


well thanks for your feedback.  i was reading the forums here.  and people were talking bad about Berlin.  I have never been there.  it dont seem too bad to me?  the crime here is far worse than there.  Im not putting down NH in anyway.  I hope to move there very soon.  just not sure of a town yet.`I was planning to stay at center harbor, rt 3.  pretty much in the center of the state.  and branch out looking at different towns.  this will be my final move.  id really like a house on the south side of a mountain.   adjoining state land,  "good hunting land"  so please dont take my words the wrong way.  yf,T.H.


Manchester is a nice central location with a lot of resources for exploring the rest of the state. That's where I started. Glad I ended up in Keene ultimately. The fact I checked out Manch and the seacoast first made me feel more confident about my decision once I settled down.


Arson went down in Holyoke, Massachusetts when they ran out of buildings.  I would imagine that Berlin is approaching that point... if it isn't already there.

Kat Kanning

Berlin stinks sometimes from the paper mill.