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Nobel Committee awards second American a prize today

Started by Pat K, October 10, 2009, 07:56 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Gasps echoed through the Nobel Hall in Oslo today as
Matt Simmons was unveiled as the winner of the 2009
Libertarian Congeniality award.Sparking a global outpouring of incredulity and praise in unequal measure.

MR.Simmons could not be reached for comment
as he has locked himself away to produce the perfect
legislative bill that will stop sick folk from being imprisoned
and tortured for smoking a plant.

Fellow activists in Keen and Manchester also could not comment
as they were napping after smoking some big fatty's.

Becky Thatcher

*inhales*  *coughs*  That's too funny Pat!!!!!   8)  Think I'll go take my nap now.  LOL

Jim Johnson


Thats three for three! Go Secretary Clinton: make those Turks pay for all the embarrassment Sibel Edmonds exposures cause you!


One of my old college friends is a touch-feely Democrat. She took a facebook poll asking if people approved of the award. Her comment: "For his vision and diplomacy and desire to talk before he blows things up-i say yes!"

Of course, I couldn't help but comment that talking before blowing things up is still blowing things up.