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the trees are on fire

Started by Friday, October 04, 2005, 06:46 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

The color is looking really good here today. More red is out there. It seems to be stretched out this year and not as striking.


On my drive back from Manchester I took the 'long route'.  It is a perfect fall day and the leaves are great.

Do I miss CA?  HELL NO!


this thread is useless without pictures.  ;D

(i love pictures of fall... i just hate the cold weather that goes along with it)


Cold weather?? It was 70 degrees today!  ;D

Michael Fisher

I keep bringing yellow and orange fall leaves inside the computer room at work.  It is the only natural object in the room and really makes me feel better just to look at it.  I don't get outside enough these days.

Amethyste and I were on a walk the other day and the wind was blowing leaves across the street.  We would catch them before they hit the ground.  It was really fun and the leaves are so beautiful.

I feel bad for anyone who lives outside of New Hampshire.

All that is good is wild and free.   ;)

Russell Kanning

we uploaded some more pictures of Keene for you out-of-staters.

Pat K

Ron Helwig

Quote from: SWilliams on November 05, 2005, 05:33 PM NHFT
this thread is useless without pictures.  ;D

(i love pictures of fall... i just hate the cold weather that goes along with it)
I need a better camera. I'm looking at getting the HTC Universal.

Anyway, this is from an empty lot near mine.

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