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FSP Featured in The Wire!

Started by Michael Fisher, October 06, 2005, 04:17 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Thanks for responding to Larry's request for interviews with FSP members in-state.  Here's the result of our continuing relationship with him!   :o 8) :)

the Free State turns two

By Larry Clow     
October 5, 2005 

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth


Great Article....

I am starting to send out the emails!



Russell Kanning

They're very open about their anti-public education stance," he says. "You have them going into small towns, and the towns are already stressed out now with property taxes, and their message can resonate."

....that sounds like an endorsement to me 8)

Russell Kanning

He says they're also "much too close" to state gun groups.
"I've never seen the Free State Project nor the (New Hampshire) Liberty Alliance do anything to separate itself from people like that," he says.

...... yea ..... half of us join up with groups like gonh :)
......and he hasn't even been unloading our trucks full of guns ..... he would faint

Kat Kanning

Heh, it's funny moving the arsenals.

Russell Kanning

Cohn is upfront about his campaign platforms and says he doesn't want to do anything radical like abolish public education. "Let's improve our dropout rate, let's work on more things like vocational training," he says. "I'm not looking to go ahead and get rid of school. ... We just want the best schools we can get for the best amount of money."

..... so he is ok with stealing my money and spending it on vocational training?
So Seth is not ready to push that Rothbard button. :(

Pat K

Hey how come I never get to move the arsenal?  :(

Russell Kanning

As more Porcupines move to the state, Cohn sees them getting increasingly involved with politics.

..... I see them getting increasingly disenchanted with politics.

Russell Kanning

I agree with DaveM ..... we can awaken people in NH

Michael Fisher

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on October 06, 2005, 04:17 PM NHFT

I think those are Burger King birthday hats or something. ;D

Otherwise, the crowns have several possible political connotations.   ;)

Lloyd Danforth

Several Porcupines seen together with crowns?  Each of us is the King or queen of our own domain.