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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Quote from: russellkanning on December 06, 2005, 01:39 PM NHFT
Mr. Kanning,

. . . They were created and funded by citizens  . . . can be done somewhere else.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Brian Mattson
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Director, Keene Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department

If they are created and funded by citizens then maybe Mr. Mattson should leave the citizens who care to use the park alone.
Was there a problem last year?  Or is Mr. Mattson going to manufacture one?

Maybe Mr. Mattson should stop harrasing the citizins who OWN the park.


Where can I buy a Free Speach permit?

Would it be OK with this guy if is was the US flag?  Hmmmm?

What's the problem dude?  No Free Speech at the park?

Russell Kanning


Since I haven't responded to the guy, I will enjoy letting him stew over it for a while.

If any of you want to send him a note, I can give you his email address. My mail client flagged his mail as spam .... must be my anti-gov settings I put in. ;D


Quote from: russellkanning on December 06, 2005, 06:17 PM NHFT
It is very important to this guy that noone be having fun in that park on Sunday. ;)

   332-D:1 Sunday Work. ? No person shall do any work, business, or labor of his secular calling, to the disturbance of others, on the first day of the week, commonly called the Lord's Day, except works of necessity and mercy, and the making of necessary repairs upon mills and factories which could not be made otherwise without loss to operatives; and no person shall engage in any play, game, or sport on that day.

Tom Sawyer

Perhaps one of the Investigative News teams should pay this public official a visit for an interview and photograph. >:D

[attachment deleted by admin]

Dave Ridley

I went to the Keene Fire Department station just north of the traffic circle last year and asked them if we needed a burn permit to burn in the park; they said no.

Guess we're back to the usual "ignore the government and if they want to turn it into a bigger deal let them" regemin. 

Ya I like the idea of just ignoring him...as Claire Wolfe once said if we all ignored the government it would go away.

Russell Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Maybe the UN will send John Bolton to bust us.  He and Mattson can argue about who has priority.

Kat Kanning

Wouldn't it be cool if UN troops and tanks showed up at our flag burn?


Issue a press release beforehand and send one to them, see if they want to show up or send agents to do their bidding.  :-)

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

This doesn't seem to warrant  a whole press release. It is just a few friends lighting up a UN flag .... ya know .... the normal stuff we do in NH. ;D


Quote from: russellkanning on December 07, 2005, 05:25 PM NHFT
This doesn't seem to warrant  a whole press release.
That didn't stop you last year. Hell, you had two. Just recycle one.

For Immediate Release
December 18, 2004

SUBJECT: NH residents torch UN flag

Contact: Russell Kanning
Email: russellkanning@yahoo.com
Phone: 603-357-2049

Liberty lovers from across the Live Free or Die State converged on Keene, New Hampshire today to demonstrate their defiance of the United Nations. Twenty citizens from Keene and as far away as Rochester and Etna joined in opposing the UN by burning multiple UN flags. A promised counter-protest failed to materialize.

Various reasons for disgust with the UN drew this group together. Some were there in opposition to UN attempts to ban private gun ownership as was proposed at the 2001 UN Small Arms and Light Weapons Conference. A few gun rights advocates wore their firearms openly in celebration of the fact that our right to defend ourselves and our families is respected in New Hampshire. The oil-for-food scandal drew many to protest the excesses of Kofi Annan and the theft of our tax dollars.

The loss of sovereignty inherent in world government, and in particular from the giving over of US parklands to UN control angered many. Many were surprised to learn that the UN controls a large section of forest land in New Hampshire, the Hubbard Brook Biosphere Reserve and Experimental Forest, located in the White Mountain National Forest. Many participants in the demonstration hope for passage of New Hampshire's 2005-H-0002-R, which if passed will urge Congress to withdraw the United States from the United Nations.

Photos: http://www.soulawakenings.com/underground/tikiwiki/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=5

For Immediate Release
December 14, 2004

SUBJECT: New Hampshire Liberty Lovers to Burn UN Flag in Defiance of the United Nations

Contact: Russell Kanning
Email: russellkanning@yahoo.com
Phone: 603-357-2049

Liberty lovers from across New Hampshire will be converging on Keene this Saturday for a grassroots, middle-America protest against the United Nations.

We object to the continued reign of "thief in chief" Kofi Annan and asking that the Feds stop sending taxpayer dollars to this failed institution. We object to the UN attempts to disarm American citizens. We object to national parklands and monuments being given over to UN control (this includes the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, a 3,158 hectare reserve located within the White Mountain National Forest of central New Hampshire). We object to the UN attempts to control US education. To demonstrate our defiance, we will be torching a UN flag.

We'll be joined by local "mewzickian-poet" Dada Orwell, who will spin a custom tune or two for us. We'll roast some marshmallows and generally have a good time. You're invited to bring open-carried firearms, anti-UN signs and friends...but most importantly bring your love of freedom!

Time: 11am Saturday, December 18
Place: Robin Hood Park in Keene on Roxbury at Reservoir Street. We'll be at the picnic grounds near the reservoir dam.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: The Baron on December 07, 2005, 06:33 PM NHFT
Is there a Keene Parks & Recreation Dept. flag?
Now that would be fun .... maybe a letter from them telling us that we are not allowed to have fires in fire pits.
