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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Here is Mattson's reply to my last email:

Mr. Milner,
   Sorry I missed your name.  Mr. Kanning has been corresponding via email with me this morning and my fingers took over my eyes.
   I am not denying free speech.  The receptacles for fires in Robin Hood Park and other parks are intended for cookouts.  Allowing burning for the sake of burning up objects or items doesn't fit the intended purpose.  If I permit the burning of flags, then what next will people be burning that will have to be allowed?  Possibly trash, who knows? 
   Must the flags be burnt to make the point?
   I have been signing off on the scheduling of Robin Hood Park amphitheater, Railroad Square and Central Square for years and there has never been even a suggestion of denial of Free Speech rights to use those facilities.
   The control of safe and reasonable use of park picnic cook sites should not be confused with the control of Free Speech.
                                                                         Brian Mattson

Michael Fisher

Quote from: AlanM on December 07, 2005, 09:52 PM NHFT
Mr. Milner,
? ?Sorry I missed your name.? Mr. Kanning has been corresponding via email with me this morning and my fingers took over my eyes.
? ?I am not denying free speech.? The receptacles for fires in Robin Hood Park and other parks are intended for cookouts.? Allowing burning for the sake of burning up objects or items doesn't fit the intended purpose.? If I permit the burning of flags, then what next will people be burning that will have to be allowed?? Possibly trash, who knows??
? ?Must the flags be burnt to make the point?
? ?I have been signing off on the scheduling of Robin Hood Park amphitheater, Railroad Square and Central Square for years and there has never been even a suggestion of denial of Free Speech rights to use those facilities.
? ?The control of safe and reasonable use of park picnic cook sites should not be confused with the control of Free Speech.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Brian Mattson


Mr. Milner,

WHAT?? Don't you $#&@ing GET IT?


I OWN YOU, YOU F$#&!!!

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Mattson

Michael Fisher

Russell Kanning

This guy cracks me up ..... if he has a problem with us now .... wait a couple of years.


Quote from: russellkanning on December 08, 2005, 02:54 AM NHFT
This guy cracks me up ..... if he has a problem with us now .... wait a couple of years.
Did god show you the future?


Russell Kanning

If most of the snow stays, we will have to dig down to get to the firepit.
Can you just see the parks guy plowing through a foot of snow to tell us that we cannot have a fire in the park?

Lloyd Danforth

What?  Didn't you go over and shovel the picnic area today?

Russell Kanning

I was thinking I will have to do a trial run sometime though.

Lloyd Danforth

Go over there and shovel. Do a good job.? Call Mattson.? When he shows up light a flag and go, " Naa Naa? ?Na? Naa Naa!"
After he carts you off, we'll  sweep in and light up a bunch of flags!

Russell Kanning


But the instant he shows up, the fire is legal anyway.  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

'especially if Russell is cooking something............er....food.

Kat Kanning

Right now they're predicting rain/snow for the 18th, for whatever that's worth. 

Isn't there some technicality in NH where you can burn w/o a permit when there's snow on the ground?  I don't think this 15 inches is going to dissappear anytime soon.