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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Got some editing done on the UN Flag Burn video.

We sure had a good time.;D

Need to go through and tighten it up and lose some stuff. It's still coming in over 9 mins. I'll try to get it down to 5 or 6 min.

A bit challenging with no narrative and no music to cut to. But, I'm going to try and use a little of the back and forth between Russell and the Park dude at his office to tell the story. Bureaucrat says no, activists say yes and a good time was had by all.

I need to get it done this coming up week. Take advantage of the house being quiet with the wife and son gone.?

I can here the distant boom boom of the New Year's fireworks. Happy New Years NH Underground. :)


Tom Sawyer

Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 01, 2006, 05:30 AM NHFT
How about Bloodhound Gang "The roof is on fire"

Then there's this:
http://www.plyrics.com/lyrics/antiflag/fucktheflag.html? ?:o

Our Steve Earle's "The Revolution Starts Now"...

But, I'm a wimp when it comes to copyright infringment. Especially with all the 'legal beagles' on the forum, it would of course become a big deal.
The music I used for the SS Card Burn was used with permission of a good friend.

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

Maybe you could ask Pokerface to write a song or other more soundtrack friendly music for this or future videos.

One of them was responding to Kat on a Liberty forum and referenced your porcfest video. 8)

Pat McCotter

Matt Fitzgibbons of Patriot Music could also be approached. He (and I thnk Gene) attended last year's PorcFest.

Russell Kanning


Tom Sawyer

Made some good progress editing. Got it down under 7 min. even with adding an almost 1.5 min intro from Russell's interactiion with the park department dude. Now I'll just weave a few more sound bites of the back and forth through the rest of the piece. (you can't... yes I can... etc.)

As for music I'm playing with the same instrumental I used for the SS Card Burn video. Kind of a poignant, bitter sweet tune... maybe the right signature music for our struggle against 'Leviathan'.

All out of 'juice' so I'll stop and look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow. :)

Kat Kanning


I can't wait to see it, Roger. I liked the music to the SS burn video. Noticeable, but not in the way, and serious but fun at the same time.



Roger, if you want to set up a site to feature NHFree.com vids, I'll set http://video.nhfree.com to it.   8)

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

Three cheers for Roger :)

BTW, nothing ever happened to us over the lack of burn permit.

Russell Kanning

Throw a snowball, go to jail

lucky it was too cold for snowballs that day.