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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

One year anniversary of the first UN Flag burn.
We have a nice fire pit picked out in Robin Hood park in Keene.
We know that we don't need permission from the park. They just ask that we keep it clean.
We know that we don't need a protest permit, since Keene doesn't have them.

Bring your favorite UN Flag or facsimile and join us for a little fun.

In honor of your arrival in NH Dreepa ..... you can light up the first flag. 8)


Russell Kanning

We should do it in the afternoon, when it is warm.


I don't have an UN flag or UN banner, but I'd like to fashion a banner or poster with the following:

"United Nations One World Government & UN Global Consensus"

to throw into the UN flag bonfire.  Is that okay?   Otherwise, I'll mock up an UN flag. 

You have NO idea how much I detest the concept of a One World Government!   :(

from Rima

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Tom Sawyer

Think up the caption contest...
Be it funny, cutting or educational (preferrable all three) >:D
It could make a nice poster and the winning idea person will get the credit and a 13 x 19 sign to be given at the UN Flag Burn.

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Tom Sawyer

The United Nations Flag Code and Regulations
The flag shall not be subject to any indignity.

Any violation of this Flag Code may be punishable in accordance with the law of the country in which such violation takes place.
Sounds like a challenge>:D

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UN flag burn?  Wasn't that what sparked this site?  ;D

I could not make it last year  :'( so had to send a flag to be burned . . . I CAN'T miss this twice!

Count me in.

Tom Sawyer


We will try to be there, no promises have something major going on the week before.  :(

Pat McCotter

In July, Gloria and I were driving up north for the Sugar Hill Lupine Festival. In Lisbon on 302/10 we got this picture of some anti-UN signs.

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Dave Ridley

heh heh this is a great idea, we should do this every year.

way i see it dec. 18 is the birthdate of NHfree.com


Domain Name: NHFREE.COM
   Created on: 22-Jan-05

The New Hampshire Underground however . . .

Kat Kanning

This forum was started December 20th.  The wiki:  November 20th.