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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: TN-FSP on January 08, 2006, 12:32 PM NHFT
posted to Anti-State


You da Man! thanks for letting us know...

I'm sending you the secret code to access the larger version of the video.
(note to self... secret hand shake would be cool too ;D )

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: TN-FSP on January 08, 2006, 12:32 PM NHFT
posted to Anti-State


looks good!

Quote from: burnburnburn on January 08, 2006, 12:38 PM NHFT
UN Flags Burned in Robin Hood Park 12/18/05

Keene, NH
December 19th, 2005

by Russell Kanning staff reporter
A small crowd of people gathered in Robin Hood Park yesterday to thumb their noses at the United Nations. They brought multiple UN Flags to burn over the fire on poles. Others held signs asking the US to get out of the UN.

The UN wants to disarm the world's population. These people were openly carrying their sidearms and telling the United Nations, "Not today!"

They roasted sausages and marshmellows over the fire with pitchforks. As the event wound down parents and kids were sledding nearby.

A short article and a few photos-

The video-

More info-

Good job on the Keene Free Press article Russell 8)

Tom Sawyer

Seeing traffic from here

near the top of the page

New Hampshire Underground - SS Card Burn - QuickTime movie of a handful of New Hampshire residents lightheartedly burning their Social Security cards in front of the Social Security Administration office in Keene. They also have 17-minute movie on their page about their Second Annual U.N. Flag Burn, which took place on December 18, 2005. Their home page and forums are at nhfree.com. [clairefiles]

If I wasn't so ignorant of using code you'd see that he links to the SS Card Burn and the UN Flag Burn. 8)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 08, 2006, 01:59 PM NHFT
(note to self... secret hand shake would be cool too ;D )
We already have one of those .... oops ... forget I said that.

Kat Kanning

Oooh, I got the secret code to see the larger version of the video....because I posted the video around the internet :)  Looks great Roger!!

Russell Kanning

I sent the link to Rogers page to the parks guy and the fire chief so they can see how it all turned out. :)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: katdillon on January 09, 2006, 11:46 AM NHFT
Oooh, I got the secret code to see the larger version of the video....because I posted the video around the internet :)? Looks great Roger!!

Well isn't that special... ?;D

Thanks Kat, just trying to inspire others to spread the word... post a link and then let the rest of the forum know about it. That way our efforts are shown to the rest of the freedom movement. People are starting to see that things are happening in New Hampshire. The videos are just a way for folks to know that there are activists that do more than talk.

That's why I got involved... because the Unidentified Flying Objector had the guts to challenge the TSA. I wanted to go to the airport and tape Russell's act of disobedience, but I was afraid to. In the aftermath the guilt tore me up... here was someone going up against Leviathan and I didn't even stand by him.

When Lauren went to jail and stayed silent... that pushed me over the edge. William and I went to the protest in New London and the picture of a 4-year-old holding the Free Lauren sign went into the paper. Mike Fisher complimented me for the sign I made and I realized at least that is something I could contribute.

When Kat and Russell took a stand to burn their 'papers' I had to do what I could do.

Dave Ridley's open carry incident after the SS Card Burn was another moment that galvanized my resolve.

All this is to illustrate that we need to show others that there is hope and they are not alone in wanting to find people they can stand with going into freedom's uncertain future.

The video work is my tribute to the brave and the bold... the pioneers.

The way I see it, the least I can do is to be the combat cameraman. Maybe, the least you can do is to make sure their efforts are seen and felt by others.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 09, 2006, 01:16 PM NHFT
The way I see it, the least I can do is to be the combat cameraman. Maybe, the least you can do is to make sure their efforts are seen and felt by others.

And doing a great job of it!


Roger, have you sent the link to the FSP webmaster?  He seems good about posting stuff.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 09, 2006, 02:30 PM NHFT
Roger, have you sent the link to the FSP webmaster?? He seems good about posting stuff.

Here is what Tom posted for the SS Burn

11/23/05  NH Social Security Card burn:
Nice 5-minute video ? Story and press release ? Article 
from http://freestateproject.org/news/newswire/

If someone gave him that info on the UN flag burn, I think he would post it.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 09, 2006, 02:30 PM NHFT
Roger, have you sent the link to the FSP webmaster?? He seems good about posting stuff.

Yes, I sent it to Brian.

Quote from: Roger Grant on January 07, 2006, 08:11 PM NHFT
Over at the FSP... :)

Thanks Roger.? Another good one!? I'm so glad you're making these.? It will be in the Jan FSP News.


Tom Sawyer

Puts me in a kind of awkward position "pimping" my own stuff... of course you know about that don't you Ian.
If I try hard I'm pushy, if I don't it might not get done. (not to discount the folks that did spread the word)
Bureaucrash has a Minister of Propaganda.  ;D

Thanks for spreading the word Keith. I'll report to the forum, on occasion, the places we are getting hits from and some numbers.