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Free State UN Flag Burn December 18th 2005 noon

Started by Russell Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Pat K



Tom Sawyer

Thanks to 'aworldnervelink' for posting a link to the UN Flag Burn Video... :D

I've PM you the link to the larger version of the video.
Also, a print quality image Elizabeth took of you at the event.



I just stopped by to say thank you for doing this. I am not a member of the FSP, but every time I see one of these protests I think I get an a few hundred feet closer to New Hamsphire.

You, ladies and gentlemen, are true heroes.

Russell Kanning

Hey ..... burn your sscard too and film it. That would be cool too.


Quote from: russellkanning on February 22, 2006, 07:49 PM NHFT
Hey ..... burn your sscard too and film it. That would be cool too.

Better yet, come to NH and do it at the next annual burning.

Dave Ridley

Thanks for the kind words ljoss!    Don't think that being outside NH means you can't help; just being active on this web forum and in touch with what we're doing is an important thing you can do to help...so I urge you to keep coming back to this forum!

Tom Sawyer

Stopped by Robin Hood Park with William to have a picnic lunch. We decided to eat at the scene of the crime UN Flag Burn. ;)

Well... I was disappointed to see that the fireplace that we used had been recently removed. Asked some guys doing maintenance when and why it had been removed. They said it had been removed last week because it was old and a "hazard".

I guess maybe Park Dude figured he would remove the apparatus for our pyre.

Kat Kanning

Guess we'll have to toast them over the grill this year.

Pat K

Maybe time for a private, rebuild the fire place project.

Russell Kanning

Maybe in our freedom park .... since they want to stop us in the other one.

Boy that seems like a lot of work to get rid of a stone fireplace.