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Exciting Keene News

Started by Kat Kanning, October 07, 2005, 06:16 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I just got a phone call about the upcoming Keene public access TV station.  They'd like to have the freestaters in Keene do a TV show, either about the FSP in general or something we put together here.  I was thinking it'd be the perfect way to do the mock trial :)  I talked to Varrin about getting something about the FSP, and Dave Ridley may have footage to put together for a show.  After their station is launched, we could start filming in their studio regularly   ;D


Russell Kanning

I want to do a waynes world style show.


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: katdillon on October 07, 2005, 06:16 PM NHFT
...I was thinking it'd be the perfect way to do the mock trial :)...
Great news.  It sounds good but what is this mock trial you speak of?

Pat McCotter

Lloyd Danforth

Might be a good idea to start with something NH oriented and save the other stuff for if you get invited back.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on October 08, 2005, 08:22 AM NHFT
Might be a good idea to start with something NH oriented and save the other stuff for if you get invited back.

Good idea. Have the show the Keeners put on be all local, and maybe get something like http://www.libertarianalternative.org/ on as well.


A lot of people have no idea what the freedom we talk of is all about. I suggest this be the chance to educate folks. Several people recently told me they didn't know what the Libertarians stood for, or what the Free State Project was about. Mock Trials would, I believe, make people think of us as really weird flakes. Discussions on freedom, what we have lost, and why, by people who have families, live in neighborhoods, can be powerful.



Be for, not against.

Be for freedom, not against government.

Be for choices, not against restriction.

Be for honesty in government, not against Bush.

While these might all seem to be the same, they're a matter of attitude and perception. If the goal is to educate and persuade, you have to be for things. Otherwise, you'll sound like a Democrat. ;)


Russell Kanning

I like doing the Bush trial partly because Democrats can hope on board. When I talk to people in Keene, they want to talk about national issues.
We will have time to do all sorts of shows. We can do local stuff like separation of school and state. I think the more funny or controversial we can be the better. The guy contacted us because he is excited about freedom. He doesn't want boring.

Kat Kanning

Thank you all for the suggestions.  I suggest you implement them wherever you are.  These access stations are all over.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on October 08, 2005, 12:59 PM NHFT
I think the more funny or controversial we can be the better. The guy contacted us because he is excited about freedom. He doesn't want boring.

Funny or controversial.  I like it.   8)


Quote from: katdillon on October 07, 2005, 06:16 PM NHFT
I just got a phone call about the upcoming Keene public access TV station.? They'd like to have the freestaters in Keene do a TV show, either about the FSP in general or something we put together here.? I was thinking it'd be the perfect way to do the mock trial :)? I talked to Varrin about getting something about the FSP, and Dave Ridley may have footage to put together for a show.? After their station is launched, we could start filming in their studio regularly? ?;D

May I remind you that the FSP is not in NH!!!
Ask Seth!

Kat Kanning

Don't make me hurt you before I've even got to meet you!