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Coherent strategy

Started by muni, December 25, 2009, 03:22 PM NHFT

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I don't think everyone needs to be on the same plan. One of the strengths we have is that everyone is doing different things in different ways. At the same time, there's occasionally an issue when some people's activism interferes with others'. I only believe that people on all sides should be aware of this and try to avoid it when it's reasonable to do so.

George Donnelly

Error, please step up and coordinate. Lots of folks could benefit from direction I am sure.


Quote from: George Donnelly on December 26, 2009, 02:20 PM NHFT
Error, please step up and coordinate. Lots of folks could benefit from direction I am sure.

It's not my place to tell anyone what to do. I might make suggestions, but it's up to you to decide whether they're reasonable.

And, when are you moving?

George Donnelly

Error, that's the conundrum - wanting coordination and direction but not wanting to be perceived as telling others what to do. I think there is a middle ground, just takes some work to find it perhaps.

Personal questions I will answer privately, don't want to go OT.


200 years ago government may have been an necessary evil. Today with the internet it's completely unnecessary, yet is some how more destructive and violent than ever before, as it plans on enslaving future generations via taxation to bail itself out of the mess that it's made.

My coherent strategy is to oppose state sponsored violence. (war, mandatory taxation, etc...) and promote a peaceful society. I plan on doing this by pointing out at every chance possible just how violent, broken, uncaring, evil and unnecessary the government is.

Advertising via music (sam a robrin has a good start on this) and video (like dave's idea here http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=19723.0) is the most productive way to do this. Because it's entertaining and educating.... 

a TV show would do a lot to help people understand how violent the government is. If people donated money to produce a movie or a TV show instead of trying to get Ron Paul elected as a president we would have a tool that lives on beyond one election. (Fiction, stories that are possible today, like how the government will put anyone that does not pay for it's wars in prison. It does not matter if you don't believe in killing other people. The government will force you to pay for their bullets and bombs anyway, if you don't pay their ransom they will kidnap and cage you. )

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on December 26, 2009, 11:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 26, 2009, 07:18 AM NHFT
i was thinking that having a "tyranny threat level" sign would be good next time
could you make one that i could print out?

I whipped this up real fast. I can make changes if needed. Comments?
maybe i could put a greyscale bar or dial that is getting pegged


You're right.  But only half right, and that's only because there is no distinguishing between CD as a planned/staged event, and the CD that, I think comes about as a result of someone deciding to just "live free."

For the people who decide to do the latter (or those who don't 'decide to' so much as it is in their character already to such), then I find it very difficult to disagree with whatever it is they do or I heard they did.  Because, as I see it, they are who they are and...really, how and why do I argue with that.  If they're a good person otherwise and all that, where is the problem.  It's pointed out that they appear to have no strategy well...how to you strategize a life?  Someone else's life?  In such a case, one would be "telling others what to do."

The only type of long-term goal/coherent strategy I've heard about CDevents is to generate publicity so as to attract more people to move here and something something critical mass, they can't throw us all in jail.  I have a problem with this as a goal in that it actually IS somewhat political.  It is at least circumstantial and if so, then one might as well go ahead and vote.  Get those flimsy circumstances and that fleeting political mood turned into just words on paper;  it'll be just as solid.  It's the only goal I've heard that can be applied to more than one event, though.  So while I wouldn't agree that there's NO goal, I would think that it should be open to both criticism (I don't think that's the same as "telling people what to do") and reasoned defense.

Of course there are overlaps and intersections...some of the people who just live their life despite The Man also participate in some events, and the reciprocal of that.  I've neither attended/participated in any events nor would I claim to have a backbone suitable for "living free," certainly not on the same level as some here. 


Quote from: Praeteridiot on December 27, 2009, 02:28 AM NHFT
For the people who decide to do the latter (or those who don't 'decide to' so much as it is in their character already to such), then I find it very difficult to disagree with whatever it is they do or I heard they did.  Because, as I see it, they are who they are and...really, how and why do I argue with that.  If they're a good person otherwise and all that, where is the problem.  It's pointed out that they appear to have no strategy well...how to you strategize a life?  Someone else's life?  In such a case, one would be "telling others what to do."

Indeed, but this is not what is being discussed here.


So far - and it's a small sample - we have "I do this" and "I do that."

Which brings two questions:
1. Other than personal satisfaction, what do you want to achieve by doing whatever you do?
2. Assuming you want to promote your strategy, how do you convince others to join you?


Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 25, 2009, 07:30 PM NHFT

so muni ... what strategy should i have now?
what sort of actions should i take?

actually i really enjoy random acts of kindness and libertarianism

I will answer your question later in the discussion, I'm sure we'll get to it... :)  Right now I'm more interested now in what other people have in mind, especially people like you, early movers who accumulated experience.

Can I assume that your strategy is 'Perform random acts of kindness and libertarianism'? Care to elaborate?


Quote from: KBCraig on December 26, 2009, 11:38 AM NHFT

Why does there need to be a coherent strategy? Just think of it as open source activism: each participant contributes what they want, when they can.

This is coherent strategy: Everyone contributes to one common goal and their activities are coordinated by leaders. In the case ofLinux, the goal is World Domination, a goal that was an undisputed leader.  :)

What are our "open source model" goals? Who are our "open source model" project coordinators?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: muni on December 27, 2009, 06:52 AM NHFT
This is coherent strategy: Everyone contributes to one common goal and their activities are coordinated by leaders. In the case ofLinux, the goal is World Domination, a goal that was an undisputed leader.  :)
the man who handed linux over to the open source community would disagree with you on the goal
there are all kinds of competing ideas in the open source world, but as long as people are free to choose, then it can move in a positive direction

Russell Kanning

Quote from: muni on December 27, 2009, 06:44 AM NHFT
Can I assume that your strategy is 'Perform random acts of kindness and libertarianism'? Care to elaborate?
and we are going to defeat the giant in January
if we do good stuph, then emulate us
if we do bad stuff, then go down a different path

Sovereign Curtis

Quote from: muni on December 27, 2009, 06:36 AM NHFT
Which brings two questions:
1. Other than personal satisfaction, what do you want to achieve by doing whatever you do?


Quote from: muni on December 27, 2009, 06:36 AM NHFT
2. Assuming you want to promote your strategy, how do you convince others to join you?

See answer to #1

Kat Kanning

My vision:  millions of people resisting government tyranny in whatever way is most important to them/bearing however much pain they can stand from it.