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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Obama Appointee Sunstein Favors Infiltrating Online Groups

Started by Alex Libman, January 14, 2010, 06:09 PM NHFT

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Alex Libman

From Slashdot -- Obama Appointee Sunstein Favors Infiltrating Online Groups --

QuotePresident Barack Obama's appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated in a recent paper the "cognitive infiltration" of groups that advocate "conspiracy theories" like the ones surrounding 9/11 via "chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine" those groups.  Sunstein admits that "some conspiracy theories, under our definition, have turned out to be true" Sunstein has also recently advocated banning websites which post "right-wing rumors" and bringing back the Fairness Doctrine.  You can find a PDF of his paper here.

For decades (1956-1971), the FBI under COINTELPRO focused on disrupting, marginalizing and neutralizing political dissidents, most notably the Black Panthers.  More recently CENTCOM announced it would be engaging bloggers "who are posting inaccurate or untrue information, as well as bloggers who are posting incomplete information".  In January 2009 the USAF released a flow-chart for "counter-bloggers" to "counter the people out there in the blogosphere who have negative opinions about the US government and the Air Force".

If I could give up my life for a chance to rip that Nazi motherfucker's head off I would!


Quote from: Alex Libman

If I could give up my life for a chance to rip that Nazi motherfucker's head off I would!

  It would be a waste of your life. There is just no way to get a person with this kind of mentality to understand the transgression they commit on a daily basis . Where are all those who SWORE an oath to the constitution ? Someone please tell me how to seek a redress of grievance against this guy .  Why do so few understand what is going on ?  :BangHead:  :duh::BangHead: :duh: :BangHead:  :duh::BangHead:

  I need a tall stiff drink ... maybe four or five.

Russell Kanning

does that guy know he has a reflection of a ufo on his forehead ... or is trying to signal us ... or the mothership?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Russell Kanning on January 15, 2010, 10:11 AM NHFT
does that guy know he has a reflection of a ufo on his forehead ... or is trying to signal us ... or the mothership?

That, can't be a real forehead.  He has to be hiding some sort of alien bull shit of some kind in there.

Free libertarian


They just want the same power and control of the people in the US, that the Chinese government has over the humans that live in china.

Politicians want to control everything that they can see. They can't help it, I think their violent urges to collect taxes for what they want is a mental illness.

He wants to force you to pay him so he can spy on you. If you don't give him the money he wants to use to spy on you, then he will have a tax collectors throw you in prison or kill you, if you resist going to prison or try to escape. You would have to have a screw loose to want to force people to pay you money like that.

Of course some poor sap will take the job, because they wreaked the economy. (s)He'll work for blood money just to feed her or his family and hate every minute of it.

George Donnelly

I don't think it's anything to worry about.

If they do it, we defeat them with reason and logic.

If they get really successful, real-life ("meatspace") forums will simply be used more often, thus building stronger ties among folks and making efforts like the FSP more attractive.

Sounds like a win-win. :D