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Police State Live and Well in CA

Started by Lloyd Danforth, January 18, 2010, 07:55 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth


Quote"I went hunting before school, me and my friend, and I didn't want to be late so I parked off campus at my school," Tudesko said.
Tudesko was in class when he was called to the principal's office. He soon learned why.
"They brought in a private sniffing dog and it alerted on my truck and they found the guns," Tudesko said.

QuoteThey told Parisio state law gives them "the right to search any of the student's vehicles no matter where they're parked or what they're doing during school hours,"

Free libertarian

 In the early 1970s I can remember going hunting before high school with a friend and my brother.  We thought nothing of leaving our guns in the car in the student parking lot during school.  It made alot of sense since we were going out hunting again after school.

That was in N.H. , but I bet it may have been common in some other states back then too.

Lloyd Danforth

I always kept fishing tackle and hunting stuff in my trunk in case I failed to make it to school.


Its all going to hell and Nh is the only chance, at least that's my opinion

Tom Sawyer

My sister used to take her rifle to school to shoot at the NRA range.


Yeah I remember my Dad saying that he brought his guns to school and could lock them in his locker in of all places the Peoples Republic of Illinois.