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Atlas Shrugged is here

Started by Friday, February 10, 2010, 11:12 AM NHFT

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More and more lately, I see news headlines that seem to have come straight out of "Atlas Shrugged" (which, if you haven't read by now, I don't know what to do with you).  I know it's wrong, but it gives me a shot of schadenfreude to see these.   >:D

Here is the complete top of the current homepage of Drudge Report (Feb. 10, 2010 at 12:13PM EST):

25% of plows broken...
New Jersey road crews running out of salt...
Up to 22 in Philadelphia...
Snowstorm shatters local records in Chicago...
It's official: Baltimore Snow Record!
Senate global warming hearing cancelled...
Legislation buried under record snowfall in capital...
Feds Warn: Snow Costs Taxpayers $100 Million A Day...
Washington Builds a Snow Mountain...
Dog Mugged, Doggie Coat Missing...
Left shivering in the buff...


If Snow Costs Taxpayers $100 Million A Day... We should just outlaw snowing, then it won't happen!

Russell Kanning

Jim Johnson

Quote from: thinkliberty on February 10, 2010, 12:23 PM NHFT
If Snow Costs Taxpayers $100 Million A Day... We should just outlaw snowing, then it won't happen!

It is a lot cheaper than war... it probably saves more than a million dollars a day in legislation.


Sam A. Robrin

Thanx for bringing it up.  I've had this idea on hand for over a year, and you provided proper prompting for me to finish it:

                        It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
COPYRIGHT F 2010 (Yup!) by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it (hey,I lifted th melody), but if you make a little money on it, I want some!

It's beginning to look a lot like Atlas.
     Not that I'm surprised.
          Freedom's casually abused
          By officials who've refused
               To understand
               Ideas Rand

It's beginning to look a lot like Atlas--
     Wait another year.
          Think how bureaucrats would be bugged
          If the competent people shrugged
     Off the whole damn schmeer.

          Public policy slights
          Constitutional rights--
               State interests are given priority.
          That the State has lost touch
          And is costing too much
                 Is recognized by a majority.
                 Even Democrats and Republicans are questioning authority!

It's beginning to look a lot like Atlas.
     Not that I'm surprised.
          The facts have surpassed the fiction's
          Picturesque descriptions
               Of a State gone too far,
               Like the USSR

It's beginning to look a lot like Atlas.
     It's the statists' fault.
          As they take everything I've got,
          The question I have is not
     Who but Where's John Galt?


Pat K

dAnconia Copper was nationalized, but the mines were found
to be empty.

Kat Kanning

(Old post, I know)

A couple months ago the town of Grafton was thinking of turning off the street lights to save money.  Great idea.  It make me think about Atlas Shrugged though. :)


Earlier today I watched this video (it's really just an audio recording with a transcript as the video), and it blew my mind to hear about things that happened in my lifetime, in places I've been to, that I never heard a word about in school.  In Britain in the 70's, they had mandatory power outages to conserve electricity.  You'd think I'd be beyond being shocked by this #$%@ by now...  anyway, the video is a good 1.5 - 2 hours long, but very informative.  And not at all encouraging as far as the near-term future of the lifestyle to which we are accustomed.   :-\


By the way, the way to pause this video is to click on it.

Kat Kanning

Not that I disagree with the info he had there....but it bugged me that he said he had nothing to gain by scaring people when he's selling info based on financial collapse.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Friday on January 01, 2011, 07:49 PM NHFT
Earlier today I watched this video (it's really just an audio recording with a transcript as the video), and it blew my mind to hear about things that happened in my lifetime, in places I've been to, that I never heard a word about in school.  In Britain in the 70's, they had mandatory power outages to conserve electricity.  You'd think I'd be beyond being shocked by this #$%@ by now...  anyway, the video is a good 1.5 - 2 hours long, but very informative.  And not at all encouraging as far as the near-term future of the lifestyle to which we are accustomed.   :-\


By the way, the way to pause this video is to click on it.

And if someone wants to help FTL, use this link instead, http://www.endofamerica19.com


Quote from: Kat Kanning on January 01, 2011, 11:12 PM NHFT
Not that I disagree with the info he had there....but it bugged me that he said he had nothing to gain by scaring people when he's selling info based on financial collapse.
Yeah, that was kinda sleazy. 

Kat Kanning