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Russell Arrested 4/15/2010

Started by Radical_Teen, April 15, 2010, 06:25 PM NHFT

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Free libertarian

Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on April 27, 2010, 10:38 AM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 26, 2010, 06:51 PM NHFT

12 arrested at jail protest

Twelve people were charged with criminal trespass Sunday, after refusing to leave the Cheshire County jail in Keene, according to Keene police Lt. Darryl W. Madden.

The group was protesting the jailing of N.H. Free Press publisher Russell Kanning, according to a dispatch from Free Keene.com.

Ian H. Bernard, 29, of Keene; Richard G. Paul, 42, of Keene; Dale V. Everett, 42, of Marlborough; Menno Troyer, 38, of Winchester; Michael A. Segal, 24, of Concord; James Johnson, 54, of Winchester; Mark A. Capuzzo, 26, of Keene; Richard T. Onley, 56, of Keene; Sean Murphy, 28, of Keene; Lauren A. Canario, 53, of Winchester; Aubern Goodwin, 41, of Keene; and a 16-year-old were all arrested, Madden said. Paul also faces charges of possession of a controlled substance (narcotics) and possession of drug paraphernalia.

All received summons to appear in court, he said.

The Free Keene dispatch says all 12 are to be arraigned June 1.

If the purpose of the protest was to get publicity for some cause, and if this article in the Keene Sentinel is all the publicity it got, then it accomplished nothing.  The article doesn't say what Mr. Kanning was arrested for, nor does it say why the protesters believed that his arrest or incarceration were unreasonable.

Hey party pooper, it ain't over till the fat lady sings.  The trials and subsequent merriment may yet yield a bit of cognition on the part of the oppressors.

Tom Sawyer

Accomplished nothing?  ;D
All depends on your perspective.

Counted coup for the kidnap of Russell.
Russell was very happy to see us.
50 + people were brave enough to do it.
If someone ends up in the clutches of the state they know they won't be forgotten.
A dozen court cases for them to have to deal with.
The issue of the War on Dads is going to draw people to NH.
The issue of the jail being called "private property" is now highlighted.
Everyone had a good time.
First time many of the participants had done something like this...

FreeTalkLive "reported" the story.
Others will be picking this up, as things go forward.

The "mainstream media" coverage is nice but not necessary.


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on April 27, 2010, 09:40 AM NHFT
No one seemed to know the scheduled time.  When is it?

Apparently it's like an hour at any time of the day.  There was discussion about coordinating and scheduling a time so we could all visit during that limited time but then it didn't happen.  No one took initiative to lead.   :-\  I suspect if someone had just posted a time, a fair number of folks would have made holes in their schedule and shown up.  I feel awful about this.  Just the day before, we're rallying for Russell and then we didn't even show up for his visitation.  I'm going to get a letter in the mail right away to him and apologize.

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

Anyone know which judge it is for Russell's case?  Brian T Tucker or John P Arnold?  I'm guessing it's the Tucker guy.

Tom Sawyer

Tucker would have lots of rhyming possibilities.  ;D


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 28, 2010, 08:07 AM NHFT
Tucker would have lots of rhyming possibilities.  ;D

How's Mother Tucker doing these days?

Kat Kanning

The woman I just talked to at the jail said Russell's still in "segregation" and visitation is Mondays 8 am - 7 pm for a half hour.  I didn't think to ask why they're not allowing him to write out.


Does he need money for that, Kat?  Does he have any in his account right now?

Kat Kanning

I don't know, no one has talked to him.  He had some money on him when he was arrested, but maybe they took that and gave it to Mindy.  Maybe they don't let him order stamps when he's in 'seg'. 


Stephanie answered the phone and confirmed for me that he does have some $ in his canteen(?) account and that he should be able to receive and send mail at this point.  She said that there may have been some delays with mail, both in and out, due to the transfer of everyone to the new facility.

Kat Kanning


I posted the story up on NH Insider to try to draw more attention to what is clearly a broken system.  Let me know if I have any of the facts wrong based on what I've read here.


Feel free to comment on the bottom and add more to the discussion.


Quote from: lildog on April 29, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT
I posted the story up on NH Insider to try to draw more attention to what is clearly a broken system.  Let me know if I have any of the facts wrong based on what I've read here.


Feel free to comment on the bottom and add more to the discussion.
Lildog, if you haven't already done so, I suggest reading this thread, which provides a lot of background info on this situation:

Unless something changed recently, I'm pretty sure this part of your article is inaccurate:  "In order to get back into the lives of his children Russell went against his anarchist beliefs and got the necessary government paperwork to get a real job and went to work in order to pay the child support."  Russell has made no secret of the fact that he speaks to his kids on the phone, and has gone back to California to visit them.


I based that line on something Kat said in the video on page 4 or 5 on this thread.  Perhaps a better way to word it would be "In order to be more involved with the lives of his children Russell went against his anarchist beliefs and got the necessary government paperwork to get a real job and went to work in order to pay the child support." Yes?