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Russell Arrested 4/15/2010

Started by Radical_Teen, April 15, 2010, 06:25 PM NHFT

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Does the new jail have any contact visitation, or is it all video?

George Donnelly

Visitation by video camera seems so damned dehumanizing. Makes me think of scifi movies where gravestones or frozen prisoners are represented by a short, repeating video.

Kat Kanning

Guess who gave me the wrong address for the jail....the jail.


Quote from: George Donnelly on May 04, 2010, 04:23 PM NHFT
Visitation by video camera seems so damned dehumanizing.
I can see it both ways. Advantages to both the prisoner and family include very extended visting hours (you'd never see 8a-10p visitation seven days a week in a traditional visiting room that has to be staffed by officers). And, neither visitors nor prisoners have to go through the search process required for contact visits.

On the downside... no contact.


I asked the receptionist about visitation over the Internet and that is something they're considering and possibly implementing at some point but it's not available yet.  She mentioned Skype and it sounded ambiguous as to how readily available it would be.  Sounded like they might be mainly using it for arraignments or something.

Kat Kanning

John's taking me down to see Russell again.  Should be there about noon.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 05, 2010, 09:00 AM NHFT
John's taking me down to see Russell again.  Should be there about noon.

I'll meet you there.


There was a facebook message today that Russell was free again. No news here on the forum. What's up?

Mike Barskey

This is my understanding - if it's wrong, I hope Russell or Kat will correct me.

Russell told Kat during a visit that he wanted to pay the $3K to his ex-wife so he could get out of jail and be earning an income again, but since he didn't have the money he asked for loans that he would repay within 1 year. We took up a collection and raised over $3K in under 2 hours. Russell was freed a few hours later and is home now.

Kat Kanning

Yes, what Barskey said.  This is the first I've been online since then...grabbed Russell and went to work from Keene.  I'm not sure who all we owe money to yet, but thank you all so much for helping to get him released!


Whoa, that's great news!

Mike Barskey

I have a list of everyone who donated, Kat. I'll get it to you.

Russell Kanning

i haven't got up with the mail or people's questions yet, but i will try to. :)

i didn't get mail at the old jail
i got mail 7 to 10 days later from the old jail while at the new jail

thanks for mail keeniacs ... your first stuph got through after a week ... the later stuph never got to me
thanks for the mail from everyone else ... i got some at the very end addressed to the new jail
excellent card from tarrin lupo with pictures from the internet :)

i will probably not be in jail again for a while

Kat and I knew that i was risking arrest by getting a  government id and getting a normal job with  a ssn. That is how they found me and jailed me. I might be able  to go back to work at Kmart next week or so. I also have a few other jobs I can probably set up soon. If anyone wants me to do construction or landscaping work for them, let me know. I also do windows. :) I have been driving around the last couple of months, which also risks my arrest, since the government will not give me permission to drive.

Kat and I live fairly cheaply. We can live on about $1200/month. I would like to give my ex-wife $400/month. Right now the state of nh wants me to pay $1500/month. I was not making that much before they threw me in jail. Hopefully the government will ask for less in the future .... I will make more money ... and they will stop throwing me in jail.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 25, 2010, 06:55 PM NHFT
Jim is still missing.  They're trying to rescue Jim's van.
Thank you guys for visiting the outside of the jail and risking/being arrest/ed. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your outside my little window in segregation.

Russell Kanning

thanks for visiting me guys
as other people go to this jail the visits will be more frequent and easier

yea .... we didn't get many showers or clothing changes in the bubble or the 1st week in segregation
i was washing my clothes in the sink in the new jail
but they did have fresh air in those little rooms in the new jail

my cell was 15 feet  long so it took me 176 round trips for a mile of walking
when i got out for an hour in the cell block a round trip was 150 yards