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Nashua Trial for Jim

Started by Kat Kanning, April 16, 2010, 07:14 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Lauren said they came to the house and took Jim because of disorderly conduct at Nashua 4:20.  Lauren was apparently on the warrant also, but they didn't take her.

Kat Kanning

She asked people to call Winchester Police to find out about him.  603-239-4814


A friend will be dropping by the Winchester PD at about 9 to retrieve him.  Hope they let him go.

Kat Kanning

Mike called and they said the state police have him in Winchester
603-358-3333  troop c

Kat Kanning

State Police say he's being taken to Cheshire County Jail :(

Mike gave them what for.

399-7794 Cheshire Co. Jail

I guess Russell and Jim will be together. 

I guess there'll be two arraignments Monday morning   :-\


Kat Kanning

They must have done it on a Friday night intentionally.

Why didn't they arrest you, Lauren?

Mike Barskey

Friendly woman at Cheshire jail said Jim is on route to jail and he will be held there "on charges." I asked what charges, and she said she didn't know, that I had to call the court. I asked "the court that's open at 8:30p at night?" She said "well, you'll have to call them..." then she hesitated, then continued "I guess on Monday." She said she wouldn't know more until Jim was there.

Cheshire Jail phone # is 399-7794. They have a long phone tree - don't wait, just press 0 for operator.

Kat Kanning

Mike tried to ask Cheshire County another question, but they said they were rather hectic right now  :D


I'm sure a number of phonecalls asking about Jim's well being would be appreciated.

399-7794 Cheshire Co. Jail

Trooper Gillis, a Statey and Officer Jette, of Winchester were the ones who took Jim.

Kat Kanning

Wait, will he be arraigned in Keene or Nashua?

J’raxis 270145


K. Darien Freeheart

Talley is reporting that another cop came out today looking for Lauren.

Mike Barskey

The cop said he had a warrant for Lauren Canario (or "Miss Canario?"), too, so she should be prepared to be kidnapped and caged soon. :(