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Nashua Trial for Jim

Started by Kat Kanning, April 16, 2010, 07:14 PM NHFT

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Someone was knocking on the door, but I'm kinda busy with youtube uploads so I didn't answer.  Hope they got tired and went home.


Matthew J. DiFava

Nashua P.O.P. Unit

Which one is he?


What I mean is, DiFava is the one who wrote out the complaint and asked for a warrant.

Does anyone have a picture of him?

Walk For Liberty

Talked to a very polite woman at Cheshire Jail, it might have been Officer Sweeney.  She confirmed he is there and being held on charges of 'disorderly conduct'.  She said he is completely unharmed.  She didn't say when they will be releasing him, but that he will have to stay the weekend there.  I didn't think to ask why they couldn't release him on bond or on PR.  When I asked if we could visit him on Sunday, she said he wouldn't be able to get any visitors.  Perhaps we might be able to make an impromptu visit there Sunday anyway?


There will be a lot of people in town for the Free Keene Fest, so I think maybe we should wrap the fest up early perhaps and head to the jail?  Curious as to how Barskey feels, though he was considering canceling the event.

Also, Barskey, as an aside, with Jim out of commission and Lauren perhaps too, I'll need someone else with a truck/van to come get my table and canopies.


Thanks, WfL, That's a good idea because you can see some of the captives from the front lobby.  Our guys might be visible.


Good job not answering their questions, Lauren.  I'm curious, did Jim identify himself to them before the video started?  I wonder how differently that would have gone if Jim hadn't answered the door at all.  Did it seem they were prepared to bust it in?

Blogged it:


When the doorbell rang, Jim said The sheriff is here.
I asked what if we don't open the door?
He said, what could happen?
Yes, Jim must have said his name before the video started.
No, they didn't have a battering ram. 
I'm betting they won't break the door to apprehend people for disorderly conduct,
seeing how that would be pretty disorderly, but I could be wrong.


Becky Thatcher

Jesus Fucking Christ!!!!  I'm so fucking pissed off right now, I can't see straight.  What a bullshitter...."you'll be home this evening unless something unforeseen happens"  You mean something like we've got him, now we can make him sit there all weekend?  Because we can?

Good on you Lauren.  I don't know that I would have kept my cool like you did.   >:(

Pat K


Holy crap. I really want to see the affidavit on that warrant. Disorderly conduct is something that gets you arrested on the spot, or not at all. Some asshole actually swore out a warrant? And called the staties to execute it? The Friday night thing is just standard when they really want to screw with someone. This DiFava character is a real piece of whale shit.

Unless Jim had direct interaction with Nashua PD, to the point that they were able to identify him, how did they know his name? Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor at maximum, and only a "violation" unless the "subject" refused to stop what they were doing.



Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 16, 2010, 07:28 PM NHFT
Why didn't they arrest you, Lauren?

Who? I watched the video and listened to the Porc-411 call from Jim's phone. I didn't hear any indication that anyone named "Lauren" was present.

Kat Kanning

I'm sure now the Friday night thing is because  they knew it was totally bogus charges, but wanted to do something to Jim and Lauren anyway.  (Oh KB said the same thing :)

Kat Kanning

Oh, I think people outta call the Nashua Police and ask why they'd do such a terrible thing to Jim (603) 594-3500

BTW, If I was them, I'd be scared to have Lauren Canario doggin' my tail  :o  Not to mention Becky Thatcher  :o :o  I don't think they know what they've done.