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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Nashua Trial for Jim

Started by Kat Kanning, April 16, 2010, 07:14 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Dave Ridley

Kat Kanning

Is Jim being arraigned in Keene or Nashua?  Is Lauren going to show up for the arraignment and get arrested?

Kat Kanning

Oh, I wrote a story about Nashua 4:20 that didn't put NPD in a very good light, and we made sure to spread the paper around Nashua.  Possible reason for the after-the-fact harassment.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on April 17, 2010, 02:10 PM NHFT
pigs is pigs

I couldn't have said it any better!   This is some pure bullshit, what's happening.  >:(

Dave Ridley

what's the status of Mike Tiner's arraignment:  who what where when why how

Dave Ridley

Here is one possible approach I hadn't thought of, which could be used by an arrestee at court or in another Nashua 3/20 type situation.  I think I might try it some time.

Just sing "We Shall Overcome" while being arrested, harassed or dragged around in court.  Maybe you could get the whole crowd singing it but even with just one person it would be powerful.

The lyrics are below :

And the full melody of the 1960 version is here:
Integration Report I : Andover Productions : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

starts at 16:30

It's actually Tom Clancy's idea, I just remembered it.  He said if the Palestenian resisters would do that they would win.
We need a lot less changing than they do.  This tune says it all, makes them look like the bad guys and gives a good idea where we're coming from.  They'll hate it.

We could try that approach at the next rally instead of randomly questioning the cops.  Just to see which works better. 

We shall overcome, we shall overcome,
We shall overcome someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome someday.

The Lord will see us through, The Lord will see us through,
The Lord will see us through someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome someday.

We're on to victory, We're on to victory,
We're on to victory someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We're on to victory someday.

We'll walk hand in hand, we'll walk hand in hand,
We'll walk hand in hand someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We'll walk hand in hand someday.

We are not afraid, we are not afraid,
We are not afraid today;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We are not afraid today.

The truth shall set us free , the truth shall set us free,
The truth shall set us free someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
The truth shall set us free someday.

We shall live in peace, we shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace someday;
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,
We shall live in peace someday.


Who is the judge who issued the warrants?

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: DadaOrwell on April 18, 2010, 05:23 PM NHFT
Here is one possible approach I hadn't thought of, which could be used by an arrestee at court or in another Nashua 3/20 type situation.  I think I might try it some time.

Just sing "We Shall Overcome" while being arrested, harassed or dragged around in court.  Maybe you could get the whole crowd singing it but even with just one person it would be powerful.

I emphatically agree with the basic idea, but, of course, believe songs written specifically for the liberty movement are preferable.

Tom Sawyer

So I go away for the weekend and this is what happens.  >:(

The President is in an undisclosed bunker, security procedures have been implemented.

Because of the heinous insult of kidnapping the Vice President and the Cardinal of the Shire, the President has issued an executive order breaking off diplomatic relations. He is issuing a "letter of marque and reprisal".

Tom Sawyer

Just called the Chesire County Jail to inquire if they are giving Jim Johnson a matress to sleep on. They first tried to act like they didn't know who Jim Johnson was, then would only say that they give all prisoners the same treatment, then hung up on me.

This of course must be a mistake because Van Wickler is such a great guy... Mr. Fucking LEAP up my ass.

PattyLee loves dogs

:hopmad: :hopmad: :spidey: :cat:sorry    to hear of "The Troubles". I hope these guys are OK. :-[

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 18, 2010, 07:56 PM NHFT
This of course must be a mistake because Van Wickler is such a great guy... Mr. Fucking LEAP up my ass.
I never bought into Van Wickler's alleged compatibility with liberty ideas--too many freedom-oriented people too casually project their own good qualities onto others.  But "fucking LEAP" fucking LEAPt overboard to swim to the ship of State some months back, so what does membership in that organization prove?

Kat Kanning

Wickler is a statist thru and thru.  He wants to regulate and tax pot.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 18, 2010, 04:30 AM NHFT
Is Jim being arraigned in Keene or Nashua?  Is Lauren going to show up for the arraignment and get arrested?