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More Londonderry thievery

Started by KBCraig, October 20, 2005, 09:18 AM NHFT

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Here is a copy of the e-mail that I sent to all NH Senators for action.

Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:01 PM
To: senclegg@aol.com
Cc: john.gallus@leg.state.nh.us;carljean@worldpath.net;joseph.kenney@leg.state.nh.us; robert.boyce@leg.state.nh.us;peter.burling@leg.state.nh.us;robert.flanders@leg.state.nh.us; rpojr@aol.com;thomas.eaton@leg.state.nh.us;david.gottesman@leg.state.nh.us;joseph.foster@leg.state.nh.us;sylvia.larsen@leg.state.nh.us;Ted.Gatsas@leg.state.nh.us;jack.barnes@leg.state.nh.us;andre.martel@leg.state.nh.us;dalas@leg.state.nh.us;iris.estabrook@leg.state.nh.us; maggie.hassan@leg.state.nh.us;martha.fullerclark@leg.state.nh.us;richard.green@leg.state.nh.us;elliot.schultz@leg.state.nh.us;robert.letourneau@leg.state.nh.us;charles.morse@leg.state.nh.us


Dear Elected Officials,
Eminent domain has gone wild here in NH. The Department of Transportation has had a mitigation project going on in Londonderry, NH and surrounding communities since 1997. What it looks like, that allot of people knew nothing about or don't want to know about. Recently, they have been quietly stealing over 700 acres for a airport access road. The sad thing about this land heist is that our land has nothing to do with the access road to the Manchester Airport.  The funny thing about this is our land is wet because of the NH fish and Game refuse to take their dam out after their lease expired April of 2004. WHETHER THE LAND IS WET OR DRY, WE OWN IT. So the DOT offers us a appraisal on manmade wetland, which they say has no value. It is their dam that is keeping it wet! They are not building anything on our land and the airport access road is 5 miles away. This has no financial gain to the state. As a matter of fact, the state does not pay tax's to the towns and all the towns involved in this mitigation will lose property tax dollars if this goes threw.

What is wrong with our State?  I served 22 years Honorably in the US Marines (Desert Storm VET / Disable VET), protecting our country, to come home to our Government, where they can take my property or any other NH resident because the DOT say's it's the right thing to do. Hello! Are the tax payers of NH that stupid? This is a sad day in NH, if our Elected Officials do nothing about this LEGAL THIEVERY.

Sadam did this in Kuwait and you see what we did. I was there and I have the memories of the Kuwaiti people, their happy faces in my brain after we gave them their land back and their FREEDOM. Something is wrong here in our Live Free or Die State! We are suppose to be leading the nation in setting the example on Living Free. This is legal thievery at it's best! They know that us little people do not have the funds to fight them. I have no choice but to fight this in court, since everyone else has turned their back on us. Especially the Executive Council or should I say the Chairman of the Special Committee appointed by the Governor and the Executive Council who are: Appointed Chairman, Councilor Wieczorek, Councilor Wheeler was late and Councilor Spaulding did not even show up for the Bedford-Manchester-Londonderry-Merrimack #11512 - 4/8/04 mitigation hearing, which was held at Highlander Conference Center (Manchester). All 3 voted yes and did not care about all the land owners complaints. Many landowners are unhappy about this decision and are prepared to fight this to the end.

Keep in mind that the DOT has forced me to acquire a law firm in Manchester to fight this; where in turn, this takes food of my and many other residents table who believe in the American Dream. Something needs to be done to protect all residents of NH.

Please review the below article which was in the Union Leader on 10/20/05. This is the most ridiculous thing that could happen to a land owner.     http://www.unionleader.com/articles_showa.html?article=62065

I am a big supporter of our state motto, "LIVE FREE OR DIE"! If you have any question or concerns about this Legal Thievery, please do not hesitate to call me at home (603)XXX-XXXX or my cell (603) XXX-XXXX).


Thank You,

AL Baldasaro
41 Hall Road
Londonderry, NH 03053


Great Letter.

Al can we post your letter on other forums to get the word out?


Quote from: Dreepa on October 25, 2005, 02:30 PM NHFT
Great Letter.

Al can we post your letter on other forums to get the word out?

YES, you can.

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

I put it up on the Keene Free Press.  Let me know if there's any problems with that.



Quote from: katdillon on October 25, 2005, 02:52 PM NHFT
I put it up on the Keene Free Press.? Let me know if there's any problems with that.


As I said, I have no problem with it being posted. Also per your comment on your web site (Lightly edited for grammar.) I have no problem. As a matter of fact, did I ever tell you that my writing skills are not the best? I just tell it like it is!

Kat Kanning


Quote from: freedominnh on October 25, 2005, 04:12 PM NHFT
Great letter!? Might as well cc to Gov & AG.

I had already forwarded the e-mail to the Gov, but I did not have the AG e-mail



Maybe you should also email the press.  PS anyone have any TNT for that damn dam.


Quote from: Eli on October 25, 2005, 09:19 PM NHFT
PS anyone have any TNT for that damn dam.

That reminds me of the true story about Michigan demanding the "dam beavers" stop their illegal activity:


And, it still continues:



Quote from: KBCraig on October 25, 2005, 01:20 AM NHFT
Quote from: AlanM on October 24, 2005, 11:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: eukreign on October 24, 2005, 10:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: APB on October 24, 2005, 10:42 PM NHFT
Maybe I will run for that seat and fight them from the inside to get rid of this taking of private property and protect all of NH property rights.? HMMM

You are a true American patriot!

Best of luck to you APB!

I think everyone here supports you 100%.

I second KB's feelings.? 8)

I've got feelings?


Feelings, thoughts, statements, whatever.  ;D Feelings, nothing more than feelings...
Hey, I'm old.  ???

Pat K

I heard He's lost that loving feeling, He's lost that loving feeling ... it's gone gone gone............


Eminent Domain in NH......How do we stop it???


Quote from: GT on October 26, 2005, 04:13 AM NHFT
Eminent Domain in NH......How do we stop it???
I think that APB has the rigth idea by sending a letter.
Can he get all the homeowners together?
Maybe have a rally?
Then everyone should blast letters to the senators and reps and demand action.
Has anyone contacted the NHLA?