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Military drills throughout the United States (have there always been this many?)

Started by Raineyrocks, June 12, 2010, 11:34 AM NHFT

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Military drills throughout the United States.

June 11, 2010 by Alex 
Filed under Military & Overwatch, Orwellian Police State, U.S. News

1 Comment
The Intel Hub

We have already reported on the drills planned for Chicago starting this Sunday and the Navy drills going on in Va at this very moment. I find it hard to believe  that this all just a coincidence. There are way too many signs that point to this being something much more. I understand that it is the beginning of the summer and drills are common but with the events in the Gulf i thought these were worthy of posting.


Don't be alarmed if you saw 150 emergency response vehicles on I-20 or heading to the coast on U.S. 69 Wednesday morning. The Department of Public Safety and several other agencies joined forces in a live-action hurricane preparedness drill.

This was only a drill.

Three separate convoys left Arlington, headed south on 360, east on I-20 to Tyler, then south on U.S. 69 to the coast, said DPS spokeswoman Davilyn Walston.

"We wanted to make sure everyone was aware because a few weeks ago the 911 systems in South Texas were overloaded with citizen inquiries about the drill," she said.

Don't be alarmed if you saw 150 emergency response vehicles on I-20 or heading to the coast on U.S. 69 Wednesday morning. The Department of Public Safety and several other agencies joined forces in a live-action hurricane preparedness drill.

This was only a drill.

Three separate convoys left Arlington, headed south on 360, east on I-20 to Tyler, then south on U.S. 69 to the coast, said DPS spokeswoman Davilyn Walston.

"We wanted to make sure everyone was aware because a few weeks ago the 911 systems in South Texas were overloaded with citizen inquiries about the drill," she said. Read More
Anderson are agencies prepare  for emergency drill

By Liz Carey

May 29, 2010

ANDERSON COUNTY — There will be explosions and military trucks on the streets of Anderson County, but it won't be real.

In the weeks of June 8 through June 20, Anderson County emergency response teams — from law enforcement units and fire departments to emergency management workers and the coroner's office — will participate in a mock terrorist attack in the Anderson area.

Called Palmetto Shield and Operation Red Dragon, organizations from Anderson, Abbeville, Greenville, Greenwood, Oconee and Pickens counties will work with the U.S. Army, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Red Cross, among other agencies, to simulate the coordination of efforts in the face of a real emergency.

As with other drills, the activities in June will use actors and mannequins to imitate real patients and casualties, said Taylor Jones, emergency services director for Anderson County. And while the exercise isn't real, the threat is, he said.

"There are a lot of plants in the region that are very critical to the economic engine of South Carolina and the country," Jones said. "This area is also crucial to the energy-producing engine of our area, the whole Southeast and the nation at large."

The scenario will play out like this: On June 8, intelligence agencies will start to hear chatter that a terrorist group is planning an attack somewhere between Atlanta and Charlotte. Read More...
County disaster drill tests emergency workers


Jun 10th, 2010

Emergency workers evaluate a "patient" during a disaster drill held outside the town of Center Saturday.

CENTER — A Saguache County disaster drill Saturday tested the skills of emergency workers and law enforcement officials preparing them to deal with the unexpected when it does arrive.

The drill was held at the Leech Airport off CR 53 and CR C outside Center. The call for the mock disaster went out at about 9:15 a.m. to all fire department volunteers countywide as well as law enforcement and emergency personnel.

Local hospitals were notified and placed on "standby." Rio Grande Hospital's Flight for Life was invited to make an appearance but could not respond that day.

The scenario for the drill was a windstorm causing adverse road conditions resulting in a bus/RV rollover and multiple car pile-ups. According to the drill scenario, emergency personnel and law enforcement had to be treated for eye and respiratory irritation on scene.

Accidents from the pile-up included a bus rollover with injured children and adults, a rollover in a ditch involving a pregnant woman, another rollover injuring an elderly individual with a heart condition and a jackknifed semi-trailer truck with one car under the semi, several piled up behind it and several cars between the bus rollover and semi-trailer accident.    (Read Entire Article)

Rapid Response Task Force drill at Ford Park

Jennifer Trahan
Staff Writer

June 10th 2010

Southeast Texas

On Thursday, June 10, hundreds of people from several agencies throughout the state of Texas converged on Ford Park to perform a four- hour Rapid Response Task Force Operations Drill.

The purpose of the drill was to practice mobilization of resources in a central location and to test communication equipment that is used by agencies including Emergency Management, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Department of Transportation and Department of Public Services during emergencies.

On Wednesday, June 9, a massive convoy of state and military vehicles, communications equipment and emergency management personnel arrived to prepare for the drill.

The Rapid Response Task Force is the mobilization of many state agencies in the event of a disaster. The task force was created for the rapid deployment of State resources and manpower to an area immediately following a disaster.

(Read Entire Article)


Tags: cnn, drills, false flag, Gulf of Mexico, influx, military, Oil Spill, prepare, terror


Northcom Trains in Gulf for Potential Domestic Deployment
June 10, 2010
tags: NORTHCOM, Gulf Operations, Martial Law Attempt
by Steve Beckow

I'm coaxing more information out on plans to inject sections of the military into the Gulf situation.

This training operation is probably linked to the Air Force report on its ORI. The two are likely part of the same "readiness" drill. The unconventional foe is probably, I hate to say it, the American people.

BP is quoted in this article as saying that the spill should be ended by next week.

I find that statement hard to believe. It may be part of a cycle of having people relax about the spill so as to distract them from the military build-up and then saying that efforts to close the spill were unsuccessful and back to the beginning of the cycle again.

I'm not sure how this fits in with Vice Admiral Wakefield taking over from Renuart in early July. How can one penetrate all the cover stories? What is the likelihood of coming up with an accurate assessment of what's really happening? I don't know. I can only report.

Be that as it may, any malevolent plans, in my view, would ultimately fail anyways.

Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas

June 9, 2010

Intel Hub


USNORTHCOM has admitted that they are preparing military operations within the United States. This is the first time in history this has been done and they will be working with DHS, state and local law enforcement on U.S. soil.

The focus of this operation will be in our own back yard. Northcom is planning on defending against enemy attacks and supporting civilian authorities with fighting an unconventional foe, all on US soil.

NORTHCOM went on to say that the drill will be in the Gulf area. They anticipate no infrastructure and possible extreme weather conditions.

"Even more significant, this inspection marked the first time that any Air Force unit has been wartime validated in support of the security and defense of the United States of America. That's huge," Nelson said.

"The survival of thousand Americans rests on this training."

The Intel Hub believes that there could be a mass evacuation of the Gulf. The chemicals that are being used on this oil spill could, by themselves, cause a tremendous amount of health problems. We will keep you posted. This could be part of Operation Garden Plot. and possibly could be why there have been reports of hardened troops building up in the Gulf. BP is currently saying that the oil spill should be stopped by next week. One thing is for sure, the dispersant isn't going anywhere in months  much less weeks.