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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Starting to cross post the press release for the SS Card Burn.
Sent to BureauCrash.com... the SocialSlavery.com image is from their activists.

If others could help spread the word to other forums etc. we can get the motivation factor up. :D

Let's have some fun... can we get others to hold signs for a cool photo op.
Heck my 4 year old made the news in New London holding a sign.

Kat Kanning

Hand a sign to one of the police and snap a picture :)

Tom Sawyer

Hey anybody know someplace that would be good to go for lunch after the event?

Kat Kanning


Quote from: TN-FSP on November 05, 2005, 02:02 AM NHFT
Why are you getting commercial?

Because a commercial loan is required for multi-unit property over 4 units.

QuoteI think the odds are pretty good considering she is trying to get you.

Of course she is, but the fact remains that she was aware of the FSP.  All I had to do was mention it, and she started telling me about her son and her beliefs.

Believe me, I'm not buying a house because of a realtor.   ;)

Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

Good meal will you all like to make it Good company?


Sounds like a Letterman skit: Can a chick in a Statue of Liberty outfit get served at Pizzeria Uno?   :D

Russell Kanning

That is a funny picture .... I guess you can change clothes at the restaurant.

They served us last time and we had JP with us .... so I think we are safe. ;)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Friday on November 05, 2005, 06:06 PM NHFT
Sounds like a Letterman skit: Can a chick in a Statue of Liberty outfit get served at Pizzeria Uno?? ?:D

And........will she float?

Tom Sawyer

Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

Kat Kanning