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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Wow Roger, that's really cool!   ;D  At past events, there have been few spectators to hand out info to, so I wouldn't think you'd need hundreds of them for today.

Kat Kanning

Lloyd coming today?  I have something for him, if so.

Lloyd Danforth

No.  I was going to come and observe if I could get a ride from Keene, but, circumstance have prevailed and I can't make it.

Kat Kanning

Okie dokie.  The mail doesn't look urgent.

Pat K

I just got home from work and have to go back at 4, so I can't attend . But if your not all in jail tomorrow I will try to make the meeting.

Be careful out there.

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

oh .... we will make the meeting .... we don't live in a police state .... well we will see.


SO, Dave got a little police attention for having an open firearm this afternoon,
as we were preparing to have an after-burn lunch at a local Pizzeria.

At least 3 of us got the whole non-event on video.
I say "non-event" because the policeman was quite polite and let Dave on his way after only a few moments' detainment.
Maybe that was because both the officer and Dave both happened to speak Bosnian (!!),
or maybe it was because the cop was suddenly surrounded by people taking videos of the event  ;D

Anyway.... I've got my video here. It's really crappy (sorry) but it's hilarious to see the cop getting surrounded
by people, at least 3 of which have cameras  8)

Hey, Russ or Kat -- can you guys host my video file here on nhfree.com?
Right now I have no place on the Web to put it -- it's 23.7 MB, which is bigger than Yahoo gives away for free.


Michael Fisher

Sean from WMUR just called me.  He wants the video tape ASAP in Mini-DV format.

Roger Grant, what's your phone number!?  I need to get the address for WMUR to you.  Please call me at 498-7935 when you read this.


Russell Kanning

On Mon, 7 Nov 2005 15:04:54 -0500, * Police <police@onconcord.com> wrote:

> Russell what is the date again that you are going to show up to thh 
> social security office?

I wanted to thank you for not hassling us at our SScard burn event. Noone was hurt and the community was not threatened. We had a good time burning 3 SS Cards. Three of us have been freed from a piece of government ID.


Kat Kanning

Thanks Denis!  Email it to me @ kat at soulawakenings dot com and I'll put it up  :)

Dave Ridley

General report on the burn event:

Total turnout 16 + 1 reporter. ?No authorities except maybe one or two driving by.

Reporter was from WKXL-AM the main Concord station. ?

Looks like we have a lot of good stills and pics. ? Now that we have Roger in action the video element of our movement is going to take a leap forward. ?I didn't call WMUR ,, didn't think they would show. ?Maybe next time we should plan in advance on calling them and offering our own video. ? ?We'd need to know all the formats they can accept. ?Same thing with WNDS in nashua. ?Some of us left signs and burned card effigies for the bureaucrats to see monday.

Oh also I called WKBK-AM ?in Keene and mentioned it this morning, no one showed from that invite but at least more folks in Keene now know it happend.

Report on the open carry incident to follow

Kat Kanning

I count 18 if you include Joel and Amy who met us at the restaurant.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Kat Kanning

Oh, we have a gallery for this:


Feel free to add your photos!  I didn't take any great ones.

Tom Sawyer