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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Why don't you just send him a link to this thread?

Russell Kanning

My subject line says "details at nhfree.com", but maybe I should do that.

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

Is anyone else besides Russell and I burning a card?  If so, do you want to be included on the press release?

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: president on November 01, 2005, 09:22 AM NHFT
I tried to call him again....still no answer.

I want to ask him about RSA 594:2

594:2 Questioning and Detaining Suspects. A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom he has reason to suspect is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime, and may demand of him his name, address, business abroad and where he is going.

I want to know if a person being arrested is required to give more info than stated in RSA 594:2, and if so, what RSA covers that. Stuff like finger prints....

It says that a cop may demand a name, address, and business but not that someone has to answer. ?I've lived many places where I did not know the address. ?Heck, I don't even know the full address of where I live know (and this is my 3rd year here). ?It says, name, so you should be able to say any part of your name. ?And business, heck, I'm here because it is b/t where I was and where I'm going.

I think the part of RSA 594:2 has no real power except to hold people until a cop wants them to go.

Lloyd Danforth

"Officer Reilly.........

we're down on our knees.....

'cause no one wants a fella, with a social disease!"

Kat Kanning


Be careful, Lloyd...you can get in trouble for singing on here ;)

Lloyd Danforth

"It's sister jennie's turn to throw the bomb!
The last one, it was thrown by brother Thom
Mamma's aim is bad and the Copsy's all know Dad, so
Its sister Jennie's turn to throw the bomb!"


Quote from: katdillon on November 01, 2005, 10:16 AM NHFT
Is anyone else besides Russell and I burning a card?  If so, do you want to be included on the press release?

I'm not going to burn my SS card, and prefer to not have my name on the press release. But you can say that Lady Liberty will be there. What do you think of the black eye thing?  If you think it would add impact to the publicity possibilities, I'll do one.

Lloyd Danforth

I don't think Lady Liberty should appear, anywhere, anytime, without a Black Eye!


I emailed Dan asking him some questions and his response was

> Who are you?

So I wrote back and asked him if there was someone I could write/talk to about NH and Concord laws.


Quote from: russellkanning on October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT
Social security card burn on November 12th at 12
Two Corporate Center at Horseshoe Pond
70 Commercial Street,
Concord, NH 03301

Wouldn't it be better if you did the protest when the office was open?

MONDAY - FRIDAY:09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Russell Kanning

"I am afraid to click on that link."

was his response.

Kat Kanning

I like the black eye idea (as long as it's not a real one!)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: president on November 01, 2005, 01:00 PM NHFT
Wouldn't it be better if you did the protest when the office was open?

MONDAY - FRIDAY:09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
....in some ways yes ..... but more people can come on Saturdays. :)