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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

I don't think Kat has finished the press release yet. She might want help with that. Anyhow ... it will be good to get that out to as many places as possible.
Kat and I will be burning ours that day, so it will be a big deal to us. This is our way of rejecting National ID and numbering.
Are you going with the Lady Liberty look? :) Prison camp style forearm tatoos will be a nice look for the event also.

Tom Sawyer

Working on some signage.
My printer does 13 x 19 in.
Working with those dimensions - two sheets attached to a 1/4 plywood backing would be 19 in. wide x 26 in. tall.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Tom Sawyer

Here is something else.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Roger Grant on November 03, 2005, 06:26 PM NHFT
Working on some signage.
Ultra 8) ... what did we do before you came along? ..... oh yea Dada's and our crazy handmade signs. :)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: The Baron on November 03, 2005, 11:05 PM NHFT
Bluntness is awesome. :D
Quote from: russellkanning on November 04, 2005, 12:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: Roger Grant on November 03, 2005, 06:26 PM NHFT
Working on some signage.
Ultra 8) ... what did we do before you came along? ..... oh yea Dada's and our crazy handmade signs. :)

Thanks for the feedback :)
Nothing wrong with the homemade signs... I'd just like to help polish things a little.
Any more ideas for wording or concepts for signs?
I figure I'll make some large SS cards (13 x 19 in) I have Howler T. Monkey and am working on Suzie Q. Citizen.
We have the Feel Like a Number and The Underground signs.

I would like to get a good photo to represent the protest and I'll shot some video. Remembering, the event is fleeting, the images we make will live forever.
Let's work to make for good visuals... that's what the press needs. The scene of the protest is our empty canvas to do with what we can.


Quote from: Roger Grant on November 04, 2005, 05:50 AM NHFT
Remembering, the event is fleeting, the images we make will live forever.
Good quote!


Quote from: Roger Grant on November 03, 2005, 06:26 PM NHFT
Working on some signage.
My printer does 13 x 19 in.
Working with those dimensions - two sheets attached to a 1/4 plywood backing would be 19 in. wide x 26 in. tall.

Too bad the TV show, 'The Prisoner' is not that well known.

'I am not a number! I am a free man!'


Quote from: russellkanning on November 02, 2005, 08:06 PM NHFT
Are you going with the Lady Liberty look? :) Prison camp style forearm tatoos will be a nice look for the event also.

Lady Liberty: check.  Prison camp style forearm tattoo: I'll see what I can do.  ;)

Kat Kanning

How's this sound?

For Immediate Release

Subject:? Social Security Card Burn

When Social Security was first foisted on America, the cards were imprinted with, "Not to be used for Identification."? People were wary of the tyranny involved with a national ID card, so the government had to promise that the Social Security number would never be used for ID.? They have broken that promise.? As Americans became resigned to the idea of having a national number, the promise was quietly removed from the cards.? Now, of course, the social security number is used for so many purposes, it is a defacto national ID number.? Doctors, banks, motor vehicle departments, utilities companies...the list is endless of groups wanting your national ID number, groups having nothing to do with social security and retirement funds.

Now, with the passage of the Real ID act, the National ID card is outright law, and no longer just a defacto national ID number.? Individuals wishing to travel in this country, whether it be driving themselves or riding on trains, busses, and airplanes will now be required to carry their national ID card, with their national ID number included on it.? Even walking in public requires a person to carry their ID, as recent court decisions show.? National ID cards are to carry "biometric data" probably in the form of a RFID chip, which can be read from a distance.? Personal data about you will be available to any hacker on the street, in addition to being given to the Mexican and Canadian governments.

National ID cards have long been a tool of tyrannical government.? A government which abuses and therefore fears its populace needs to be able to track them at all times.? No government who governs justly need barricade itself in, as Washington D.C. has done.? A government who remains the servant of the people need not track the peoples' every move.

To protest the injustice of the national ID number and national ID card, Russell Kanning and Kat Dillon of NHFree.com invite the people of New Hampshire to join us in burning the symbols of our oppression.? We will be gathering on November 12th at 12 noon at Two Corporate Center at Horseshoe Pond, 70 Commercial Street in Concord, NH to burn our social security cards.? All are welcome, whether you want to watch or join in the burning.? Lady Liberty will be making an appearance at the event.

When asked, both the Social Security Administration and the Concord Police Department have refused to comment on whether burning one's Social Security Card is illegal.? We don't know at this time whether we will be arrested for this act or not.? Kanning was arrested last June for attempting to board a flight to Philadelphia without showing his ID.

What: Civil disobedience against National ID
Where: Social Security Office, 70 Commercial Street in Concord, NH
When: Saturday, November 12 @ noon
Who: Russell Kanning and Kat Dillon of Keene, NH, supporters from NHfree.com
Why: To draw attention to the continuing loss of privacy and freedom due to National ID
How: By burning social security cards
Contacts: Russell Kanning: (603) 357-2049, Kat Dillon (same number)

Tom Sawyer

"A government who remains the servant of the people does not need track the peoples' every move."

Maybe should be 'need to track' or 'need not track'

Very well done KAT :D

Thanks for your courage.

Kat Kanning


Russell Kanning

Quote from: Friday on November 04, 2005, 06:19 AM NHFT
Lady Liberty: check. Prison camp style forearm tattoo: I'll see what I can do. ;)

Actually I was thinking of the tatoos for most of our onlookers. But maybe lady liberty has done time for exercising unalienable rights.

Russell Kanning

I have decided to open carry for the event since I don't have my concealed carry permit for my pitchfork yet. :)

Kat Kanning

It looks funny when he keeps it in his pocket anyway.