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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Quote from: KBCraig on November 02, 2005, 12:53 PM NHFT
I think it's obvious he doesn't want an email trail.
I don't. I think he wants to ask questions. That is what cops do.

He asked for my name. I told him it didn't matter, but he kept asking, so I gave him a first name. He wanted a last name too. He also wanted to know where I lived, so I said NH. He wanted a town. I kept telling him it didn't matter, the matter I am calling about is unrelated to me.

I asked him if the SS card burn protest would be illegal, and he said he didn't know, because he doesn't know what you guys are going to be doing. He did say he was starting to get worried after he got the email from Russell about guns. I told him it is more of a 2nd amendment rights thing, blah blah blah....I also said I don't think Russell even has a gun. I told him most of you guys are pretty much harmless. I think my exact words where "those niggaz is pussies." He asked me if I carry a gun, and I said yes....

I asked him if he knew about the FSP, and he said no. I asked him if he had heard about the outlaw manicurist event, and he had. I told him about some of the other nhfree protests that he hadn't heard about.

I told him you guys mostly just want press attention (AKA media whores), and he said they didn't want press attention. He said they didn't want to have to dedicate resources to the protest, because someone else may need those services. He said that the SS office would be closed on Sat., and wondered if you guys knew about that.

He asked if yall hate cops, and I said some of you do(I was thinking of Ian). I told him yall want to reduce the scope and size of government. I also said some are anarchists and would like to get rid of all government. I explained how you guys think taxes are armed robbery, and we had a chuckle.

He gave me the number for code enforcement 225-8580. This is where you call if you want to find out about laws. I got transferred three times when asking about the ss card burning, but the last guy I talked said you probably wouldn't need a fire permit if you burn the SS cards in some type of container (I think I said a metal coffee can, as Ian suggested). But if you are going to burn bigger stuff like those posters things, you may need a fire permit if it is not contained. And you need written permission from the property owner.

But it all comes down to:
No one knows exactly what the fuck you are going to do, so they can't tell you if it is against the law until you do it.

Do you want to get arrested?
Are you guys gunna go limp if you get arrested?
Will you refuse to be finger printed?


Quote from: Roger Grant on November 04, 2005, 05:50 AM NHFT

Thanks for the feedback :)
Nothing wrong with the homemade signs... I'd just like to help polish things a little.
Any more ideas for wording or concepts for signs?

Great job, Roger!

One suggestion... on the "Feel like a number? You are!" signs, I'd suggest a change in font, style, or coloring between the two halfs of the phrase. At first glance, it runs on a little. It needs more emphasis on the "You are! (a number)" part.



Quote from: president on November 04, 2005, 10:52 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on November 02, 2005, 12:53 PM NHFT
I think it's obvious he doesn't want an email trail.
I don't. I think he wants to ask questions. That is what cops do.

He asked for my name. I told him it didn't matter, but he kept asking, so I gave him a first name. He wanted a last name too. He also wanted to know where I lived, so I said NH. He wanted a town. I kept telling him it didn't matter, the matter I am calling about is unrelated to me.

I asked him if the SS card burn protest would be illegal, and he said he didn't know, because he doesn't know what you guys are going to be doing. He did say he was starting to get worried after he got the email from Russell about guns. I told him it is more of a 2nd amendment rights thing, blah blah blah....I also said I don't think Russell even has a gun. I told him most of you guys are pretty much harmless. I think my exact words where "those niggaz is pussies." He asked me if I carry a gun, and I said yes....

I asked him if he knew about the FSP, and he said no. I asked him if he had heard about the outlaw manicurist event, and he had. I told him about some of the other nhfree protests that he hadn't heard about.

I told him you guys mostly just want press attention (AKA media whores), and he said they didn't want press attention. He said they didn't want to have to dedicate resources to the protest, because someone else may need those services. He said that the SS office would be closed on Sat., and wondered if you guys knew about that.

He asked if yall hate cops, and I said some of you do(I was thinking of Ian). I told him yall want to reduce the scope and size of government. I also said some are anarchists and would like to get rid of all government. I explained how you guys think taxes are armed robbery, and we had a chuckle.

He gave me the number for code enforcement 225-8580. This is where you call if you want to find out about laws. I got transferred three times when asking about the ss card burning, but the last guy I talked said you probably wouldn't need a fire permit if you burn the SS cards in some type of container (I think I said a metal coffee can, as Ian suggested). But if you are going to burn bigger stuff like those posters things, you may need a fire permit if it is not contained. And you need written permission from the property owner.

But it all comes down to:
No one knows exactly what the fuck you are going to do, so they can't tell you if it is against the law until you do it.

Do you want to get arrested?
Are you guys gunna go limp if you get arrested?
Will you refuse to be finger printed?

This is a great post

those niggaz is pussies
Please tell me you said this.
And please tell me your rapped it.


Kat: the press release looks great!

Russell: got it re: tattoos

Who else will/might be there besides Roger and confused cops?

Kat Kanning

LOL @ media whores.  I guess being a whore is legal in NH!

Russell Kanning

Why do they have to know if you have a gun? Aren't they legal in NH?

Kat Kanning

BTW, we have a metal pail we're burning cards in.

Russell Kanning

He stopped asking me questions. I answered all of his questions so far. :)

Kat Kanning

Sent press release to Concord Monitor.  Will do others later.

Russell Kanning

To cops:

BTW I have decided to open carry for this event. I think it is important to exercise our rights to keep and bear weapons.
Since that is still legal in NH, this should not bother you. My wife has a concealed carry permit by I don't, so I will
just openly carry my weapon.
If you have any questions about our event, just email me.


Quote from: russellkanning on November 04, 2005, 11:38 AM NHFT
Why do they have to know if you have a gun?
He didn't ask me if I have a gun, he asked me if I carry a gun.
Most of the questions he asked about me, I would just tell him it doesn't matter, but I want ahead and answered that one.

QuoteAren't they legal in NH?
Mine are.


Quote from: russellkanning on November 04, 2005, 11:45 AM NHFT
To cops:

BTW I have decided to open carry for this event. I think it is important to exercise our rights to keep and bear weapons.
Since that is still legal in NH, this should not bother you. My wife has a concealed carry permit by I don't, so I will
just openly carry my weapon.
If you have any questions about our event, just email me.
I thought you said you don't own a gun and never have.  ???

What kind of heat are you gunna be packin?


True, but he did say:

Quote from: russellkanning on November 04, 2005, 11:45 AM NHFT
My wife has a concealed carry permit by I don't, so I will
just openly carry my weapon.

And the concealed carry permit is a "pistol/revolver license".


Quote from: The Baron on November 04, 2005, 01:16 PM NHFT
He didn't say he was carrying a gun.
Yes he did

BTW I have decided to open carry for this event.


Heh didn't say WHAT he would open carry.? He has talked about pitchforks, but not guns.