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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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I can see the posters now "Russell Kanning, Public Enemy #1".

Agitating the cops, while fun and exciting, can be dangerous to your health, watch yourself!!


I am serious, dude.  Don't go out alone if these guys are out to get you.  Even though he's Concord PD, he may have buddies in Keene.

Keep an eye open for suspicious activity.  (You did good last time with your countersurveillance.)

You're in the right place to start messing with the cops, I just question if it's too early yet.  You want to be sure people will be available to back you up in the event you get fucked with.

Russell Kanning

Why do we treat the cops so politely .... when all they do is harass us? This guy is supposed to work for us and he will not answer questions or go on the record. He just says he doesn't want trouble .... well neither do I.
Wouldn't that be silly, if I was public enemy #1 for no good reason?


Quote from: russellkanning on November 07, 2005, 02:30 PM NHFT
On Mon, 7 Nov 2005 15:04:54 -0500, * Police <police@onconcord.com> wrote:

> Russell what is the date again that you are going to show up to thh 
> social security office?

You are not too swift are you. Every single email I have sent you has had the date in the SUBJECT! I hope you are not an investigator. This is what the taxpayers are paying for?
He is asking because the SS office is closed on the day stated in the subject line of the email.

FYI, it is a bad practice to put important information in the subject line of an email and not include in the body.

Russell Kanning

He also asked me this question before and I answered it last week. Corresponding with this guy has been pretty useless.


Did anyone forward Dan contact info for Special Agents Phil Christiana and Mark Alford?

I hear it is easier for federal and local law enforcement agencies to share info now.

Russell Kanning

This is a matter for Homland Security after all.


Are there any laws against open carry of a squit gun?

Russell Kanning

Maybe you should ask him ..... but he is not very good at answering questions. I have thought of openly carrying a toy gun. A colored one would be more comical though.


Using a squirt gun on a someone trying to light a SS card on fire would be more comical though.


Quote from: president on November 07, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
Using a squirt gun on a someone trying to light a SS card on fire would be more comical though.

Though filling it with gasoline would not be very nice.

In regards to dishing it out to the cops, I think they totally deserve to be treated as they treat others, and I support you Russell.  I'm just concerned that there may not be enough of people like us up there yet to back you up!

Russell Kanning

I guess he is all done emailing.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 07, 2005, 05:57 PM NHFT
Quote from: president on November 07, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
Using a squirt gun on a someone trying to light a SS card on fire would be more comical though.

Though filling it with gasoline would not be very nice.
or bongwater


Pat K