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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Social Security Card Burn

Started by Russell Kanning, October 24, 2005, 07:46 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Quote from: katdillon on November 23, 2005, 03:58 PM NHFT

Search for "freestaters" is the only way I can figure out for people to find it? :-\? There's a random video thing it might show up on.

Cool thanks Kat.

Hey I see they display it via Flash. Also they blow it up... maybe I can give you a higher resolution version.

Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: katdillon on November 23, 2005, 04:09 PM NHFT
We're piling in the firewood, too.? See ya tomorrow :)

Cool... actually toasty warm. I've really gotten to love wood heat.

Elizabeth is bringing pumpkin and apple-cranberry pie. :)

Fluff and Stuff

I posted the video and a link to the Keene Free Press article to the 219 member TNLP yahoo list and just the video to the 317 member Wyoming Free State yahoo group.  I did this because I saw Kat post the KFP article to the TN-FSP yahoo group.

Great job on the protest, video, and article.  You guys rock my socks (that is a FTL BBS inside joke)!

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: TN-FSP on November 23, 2005, 09:42 PM NHFT
I posted the video and a link to the Keene Free Press article to the 219 member TNLP yahoo list and just the video to the 317 member Wyoming Free State yahoo group.? I did this because I saw Kat post the KFP article to the TN-FSP yahoo group.

Great job on the protest, video, and article.? You guys rock my socks (that is a FTL BBS inside joke)!

Yeah I've seen trafic from the FSW site... thanks for help passing it around.

Dave Ridley

Roger can i hook you and keith murphy up so he can lend you his cam that has all the video I shot?    can I give him your number?  what is your number?   

The best option for you getting the video would probably be if you come to manchester for something, i.e. the early december manchester porcupines meeting followed by the property rights raallly,,  then you could go by keith's workplace and pick it up.  he is so busy he rarely makes it to events, he's always at work.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 24, 2005, 10:35 AM NHFT
Roger can i hook you and keith murphy up so he can lend you his cam that has all the video I shot?? ? can I give him your number?? what is your number?? ?

The best option for you getting the video would probably be if you come to manchester for something, i.e. the early december manchester porcupines meeting followed by the property rights raallly,,? then you could go by keith's workplace and pick it up.? he is so busy he rarely makes it to events, he's always at work.

i'm ag 603 721 1490


I'll have to get back with you and Keith regarding the footage...

I've got several other projects coming together... I'm not going to be able to do the emenient domain rally, wish I could. :(

I will be doing the UN Flag Burn :)

Tom Sawyer

Bandwidth usage for the SS Card Burn at 4 Gb in 5 days. had to have my bandwidth allowance increased. Later this winter I hope to get on a dedicated server.
Averaging over 100 views per day.

Thanks to everyone who is helping spread the word. The 'viral video' approach is a no budget way to build enthusiasm. :) 8)

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Roger Grant on November 27, 2005, 09:08 AM NHFT
Averaging over 100 views per day.

Wowie!   :o  Like I said, Roger, you're going to revoluntionize the revolution.

Russell Kanning

Maybe we are encouraging some radicals out there ..... or creating them. :)

Tom Sawyer

Hey you guys are reaching people... I'm just helping channel what already is in place.

These projects are my first real content for my politicalGRAFFITI idea. Reaching people on an emotional level.

Russell, Kat, Lauren, Sandy, Dave etc. you all shared your moments with the rest of your audience. Others will feel something from you.

PS I'm sorry that I didn't credit or lower third each person but, it would start to detract from the piece and I knew that Russell and Kat were the for sure 'public' participants.

Tom Sawyer

To see how far we have reached just do a google search for "Social Security Card Burn"

Kat Kanning

It got passed around on a lot of indymedia sites  :)

Tom Sawyer

Showing up on blog sites also... wonder if we are reaching people?

SSN and cable TV, NH-Free SSN card burning video

Today I placed an order with Comcast for cable and internet. Like always they asked for my SSN (forced on me when I was 15 or so by my parents and the selective service) - and I declined as always. However this time I was told that new policy of the company requires the SSN or I would need to go to one of their offices and present a state identification. Given my options I decided to break Rand's commandment that one should not fake reality...

This SSN request was especially bothersome as just yesterday I watched the video from the NHFREE SSN card burning protest (5meg QT). Although the protest was small - I found the video and music quite moving. Russell, Kat, and Lauren are amazing and I wish I was there to be part of it. Here's a great photo of Lauren.

Kat Kanning

You must have government ID to get on the internet.