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RE: Ridley report, Lets not have witch hunts but Mr. Barnes why fingerprint?

Started by PattyLee loves dogs, July 09, 2010, 11:17 PM NHFT

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It's like all the political players are wanting things to be this way or that way and they can talk about why they want things a certain way and libertarians are the only ones saying "Look, what you want or what I want means nothing.  All that matters is what's right and wrong."  But they just try to figure out what libertarians want and just come out and say "I want that too."  You actually have to figure out right and wrong, and if you actually manage that despite a world overflowing with bad propaganda and intimidation, then you can perhaps speak convincingly, but then you can't stomach supporting the monopoly governments anymore.

That reminds me of when Tom Ridge asked me what McCain would have to say to get the Ron Paul people to back him.  It ain't what you say, baby, it's who you are and how you live your life.

Tim L

As a NH native who attends OC trash pickups,occasional hearings and tea parties,I'm not really hip to the goings on except as a kinda voyeur to those that live the life rather than talk about it.I admire the sacrifice some make to protect and recover my freedoms. There was a time when I would have called paranoia,but it's not paranoia if they really are after you.Would the govt.go to that extreme? Yeah I think they would.


Quote from: KBCraig on July 11, 2010, 06:20 PM NHFT
Not to be confused with Richard Barnes, aka lildog.

Yes thank you!!

I started reading this thread talking about Mr. Barnes and I'm thinking 'oh crap, what did I do now'.  Took till the 2nd page of the thread before I saw the first name.

I don't know who this John Barnes guy is but I'm in no way related to him.  In fact the only other Barnes members in NH that I'm related to in any way are my wife and two kids.


Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: BJ on July 10, 2010, 01:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dan Steward on July 10, 2010, 12:55 PM NHFT
Do these types of artificially flavored "libertarians" just naturally gravitate towards each other? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction on this and it's just a matter of some folks getting a really big delight out of simply creeping everyone out.


Unfortunately, they all seem to gravitate to the top of the FSP Board of Directors.

Do I know you? or you know me?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: cathleeninnh on July 12, 2010, 12:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: BJ on July 10, 2010, 01:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dan Steward on July 10, 2010, 12:55 PM NHFT
Do these types of artificially flavored "libertarians" just naturally gravitate towards each other? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction on this and it's just a matter of some folks getting a really big delight out of simply creeping everyone out.


Unfortunately, they all seem to gravitate to the top of the FSP Board of Directors.

Do I know you? or you know me?



Quote from: Jim Johnson on July 12, 2010, 02:46 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on July 12, 2010, 12:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: BJ on July 10, 2010, 01:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dan Steward on July 10, 2010, 12:55 PM NHFT
Do these types of artificially flavored "libertarians" just naturally gravitate towards each other? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction on this and it's just a matter of some folks getting a really big delight out of simply creeping everyone out.


Unfortunately, they all seem to gravitate to the top of the FSP Board of Directors.

Do I know you? or you know me?


Erm, I just heard that the FSP Board hired Christopher Marketing. Is that a wild rumor or...well, true?


Sorry I don't pay more attention to the FSP Board. I don't even know who's on it except for Varrin.


Quote from: PattyLee loves dogs on July 09, 2010, 11:17 PM NHFT
we were invited to join this group to take over the government through  coup.


Tunga has heard that this group goes by the name RDS? Which stands for Royal Duchebag Society. It's one of those Al CIAda spin offs isn't it?  :o

Dan Steward


QuoteUnfortunately, they all seem to gravitate to the top of the FSP Board of Directors.
Do I know you? or you know me?


Erm, I just heard that the FSP Board hired Christopher Marketing. Is that a wild rumor or...well, true?

It would be to the advantage of any (and that is saying that they exist - just to keep me from looking like a conspiracy nut) entity that would wish to do the FSP harm for the project to be set up in the way it is currently.

Varrin is an airline pilot, so as president of the FSP, he is gone a lot, I presume. During his absence, vile clods that would wish us all to be falsely portrayed as either statists or worse violent, could do harm to the reputation of the FSP.

One fake freedom activist of a jerk prancing around and making himself look absurd by acting against the principles of liberty (i.e. lawsuit hustler, violates NAP, etc) will succeed only in making himself look like a schmuck.

Of course, *if* the rest of the FSP board, and I don't know who else is on the board, is not acting in the interest of the project, then we all have problems. The Libertarian Party got into bed with some very non-libertarian types some time back and they just went from just only ineffective, to laughable, to eventually being unprincipled statists.     

I wholeheartedly feel that we should take a much closer look at our "leaders" and any presumably democratic governing board when it comes to liberty. Because of the very nature of their leadership roles, more than just cursory attention should be paid to their activities. Ask yourself "are they truly acting in the best interests of the FSP all of the time?"

They are a vital link in the chain of getting people to come to New Hampshire in the first place. There is nothing wrong in making sure that these people are stand up kind of guys and purging ourselves of those that personally happen to suck. Especially since they run the board in a supposedly "democratic" way.

I wouldn't have even raised this question but it got me wondering when Mr. Fingerprint Coup, a.k.a. John Barnes was compared to any presumed lousy leadership in the FSP. If Mekker is involved in marketing for the FSP then something very wrong likely is afoot.


Quote from: lildog on July 12, 2010, 10:18 AM NHFTI don't know who this John Barnes guy is but I'm in no way related to him.  In fact the only other Barnes members in NH that I'm related to in any way are my wife and two kids. ;D

Then you're not related to Jack Barnes of (I think it is) Raymond, NH. He is in the state legislature and I think pretty anti Liberty.


Quote from: John on July 12, 2010, 11:18 PM NHFTThen you're not related to Jack Barnes of (I think it is) Raymond, NH. He is in the state legislature and I think pretty anti Liberty.

"Pretty anti-liberty" is an understatement.

The guy makes other Statists look good, in comparison.  He denied permission for the "yoga for peace" group to hold their event in Raymond, and publicly stated that his reason was that they had "peace" in the name of their group.  Also wrote a rant in the local paper about how two gas stations charging different prices is "extortion," and we need to have the Feds intervene to force uniform gas prices.

Among other lovely bits of insanity...  Guy's a loon.



Quote from: Dan Steward on July 12, 2010, 09:57 PM NHFT
One fake freedom activist of a jerk prancing around and making himself look absurd by acting against the principles of liberty (i.e. lawsuit hustler, violates NAP, etc) will succeed only in making himself look like a schmuck.

I can't wait until he invites all the Glenn Beck listeners to join.  ::)


I am not in NH and no one has met me yet so I try hard not to get involved in the real nuts and bolts of your activism , but I have a serious question for any one who attended this meeting where fingerprints were requested /

Why the hell did it take so long for it to become public knowledge amongst those who have moved and taken up the fight ? I have first hand experience with "narcs" befriending me and even cops that tried to fit in with groups i belonged to a life time ago .

Why would any one keep that info from people who may have been associating with him ? Especially when using words that traditionaly equate with violence like the word coup ?

Feel free to tell me to mind my own damn biz .


PattyLee loves dogs

 ;) ;)
Dear CJS, If you note the thread: "Peaceful but Violent" on this forum in April of 2010; myself and others were voicing questions about the individuals promoting this group. Some private discussions ensued but not publicized as there is no outright evidence just suspicion based  on patterns of behavior. I would be very careful not to engage in potentially damaging and unfair "witch hunts" and by the same token do not be exposed. Others should earn trust over a long time, right?

Hi Tunga, I think the CIA needs a lot more investigation by freedom loving persons. There is a good book review by Bill Walker: "C.I.A.; Legacy of Ashes" read on LewRockwell.com