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Psycho cop runs over motorcycle driver on purpose for driving in brake down.

Started by thinkliberty, July 13, 2010, 07:18 PM NHFT

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QuoteA New Hampshire state trooper has been found at fault for making an illegal U-turn that resulted in a motor vehicle accident in Rochester, the second such incident in six months.

I wonder what happens now the costumed badged psycho, now that he has been found at fault?


Quote from: thinkliberty on August 12, 2010, 10:44 AM NHFT

QuoteA New Hampshire state trooper has been found at fault for making an illegal U-turn that resulted in a motor vehicle accident in Rochester, the second such incident in six months.

I wonder what happens now the costumed badged psycho, now that he has been found at fault?

It was "she", and it says right there in the article you quoted: "She was issued a warning letter."

Now, neither article says what you said: that she ran over the motorcycle "on purpose" for driving in the break-down lane. In both of the incidents, the troopers made U-turns without making sure it was clear, and were struck by passing drivers (SUV in one case, motorcycle in the other).

Are you operating on some information not contained in these articles?


Quote from: thinkliberty on July 13, 2010, 07:18 PM NHFT
This is premeditated attempted murder.


    Another investigation showed that Trooper Elizabeth Keyes broke the law in May 2009 by not making sure it was safe to make a U-turn on a highway. Her cruiser was struck by motorcycle in Rochester. She was issued a warning letter.

  Just sick .



Quote from: KBCraig on August 12, 2010, 11:09 AM NHFT

Are you operating on some information not contained in these articles?

The article was "archived" and only has the first paragraph... here is another link to the whole story...


QuoteAccording to the report, Keyes was driving north when she spotted a group of southbound motorcycles trying to get around the heavy Memorial Day weekend traffic by traveling in the breakdown lane. Dave LaRoche's motorcycle and the police cruiser collided as the trooper was making a U-turn to head south.

LaRoche, of Rollinsford, was flown to Maine Medical Center with serious injuries. He told police he was going 55 mph when he saw Keyes' cruiser slow down and stop ahead of him.

"As I got closer, at the last second the cruiser pulls out, crosses the lane, and comes to a stop in front of me, with the driver's side facing me," he said, according to the accident report.

LaRoche said he hit the brakes, and then struck the cruiser.

"The next think I know I was on my side in a lot of pain. Somebody came over to me, and I'm hollering out, 'Oh my God, oh my God, why did she do this?'"


Okay, but where is the part that she intentionally ran over a motorcycle?

I'm not defending her. She caused a crash and injuries. But I've seen nothing that makes me think she did so on purpose.


What people (and cops) don't understand, is that Harley Motorcycles are air cooled, and the only way of keeping them cool in Memorial Day traffic is to ride the breakdown lane. I've had cages (cars) pull in front of me on purpose, because they just didn't like people getting ahead of them. They just don't know any better. For a cop to do such a thing is nothing short of attempted murder!


You are right KB,

The seacoast article mentions the motorcycle she hit was going northbound. I thought she had hit one of the motorcycles in the brake down lane going southbound...

I was wrong about her intentionally causing the accident.

I wonder what makes these cops think that it's okay for them to do illegal U-turns?

They are obviously more interested in writing tickets to generate revenue. They don't really care about public safety, if they did care about the public's safety; they wouldn't be putting everyone at risk every time they do a dangerous U turn on the highway.


Quote from: thinkliberty on August 12, 2010, 12:38 PM NHFT

I wonder what makes these cops think that it's okay for them to do illegal U-turns?

They're special. They are, quite literally, above the law in such matters.


Apologies in advance for this long rant...

Before I learned better I once contested a traffic ticket. Even back then (~20 years ago), I had happened to have a video camera and a number of witnesses that proved that 1) I wasn't doing what I was accused of doing and 2) the officer had committed a number of much worse (IMNSHO) violations.

I was accused of going 40 in a 35. I had video and witness evidence that the officer was going ~60 in the same speed zone, made a completely unsafe U-turn and ran a red light BEFORE turning on his blue lights... and to top it all off, while doing that the officer was (I know this is sterotypical, but it's true) eating a donut at the same time! To top it all off, when I told the officer this on the side of the road (I was young and stupid) he unsnapped his holster, but his hand on the gun handle and started yelling at me saying "DO YOU DISAGREE? DO YOU DISAGREE? ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME!"... I responded that HE was the one on the side of the road with a .38 and I would NEVER disagree with him. This was all filmed by my friend in the back seat with the camera. (We had the camera because he wanted some video of the area... he was here on vacation and has NEVER returned exactly because of this incident.)

The "judge" gave me "court costs" and told me that the officer could do all of those things as part of performing his "duty" to apprehend a "violator" (IE: me). While I didn't get the ominous "points" on my license or even have it show up as a "violation", I had to pay $150 (Their declared amount for "court costs") and was lectured about why us mere mortals can NOT violate the traffic laws while those wonderful golden "special" people in blue uniforms can drive any way they want!

This has continued to the present day. I have friends and family who are LEOs. I have let them all know that I won't trust them regarding ANYTHING even remotely controversial. I have had some of them argue with me and a couple actually start working towards getting out of the field (One left the job last year despite the financial hardship it's caused, a second is still in but does a LOT of "looking the other way" for anything less than a major mala en se violation... and is starting to get a lot of flack because of that. Anyway...)

Within the last 2-3 years I have called the MA AG's office (I'm still trapped in the People's Republic of Massachusetts) because I've nearly been run off the road on too many occasions by vehicles with the "blue line" plate on the front instead of the State required front registration plate. Now, personally, I don't like or agree with having to "register" your transportation with the State, but that's another thread for another time... The fact is that with any of the newer red plates in MA, the law requires us mere mortals to have a plate on the back AND the front. These people are not putting the plate on the front and are instead putting the police ID "blue line" plate there in order to allow them to be easily ID'd and allowed to keep going when passing a speed trap. (I also don't agree with those either, but again, that's a different thread for a different day.) Suffice it to say that my beef isn't with the speed or the plates, it is with the facts that 1) the REST of us are heavily fined and threatened if we do the same things as these "special" people; and 2) the dangerous, reckless driving that is endangering me and my family that is being allowed to take place by those who are doing this. I have universally gotten the same response from both the MA State Police AND the MA AG's Office... They are NOT going to do anything about it. I can understand and have come to expect the State Police attitude. The AG's Office won't even discuss it anymore (sometimes, someone there will be patronizing and act all understanding and everything, but it's just an act... nothing comes of it.) I have come to the conclusion that the people in the AG's Office are actually scared of the "special" people with badges.

If I had been alone in my car on those occasions I would have probably just let it slide, but on a number of occasions (and I took down the MA registration numbers of the offending vehicles) I had my young child in the car. Killing me is bad enough... attempting to harm my family isn't acceptable in any way! But these people are "special" and have to be given "special" privileges!

No wonder some of us dislike and distrust LEOs (until we can educate them on the rare occasions when that's possible)... With enough "complaining" I've started to get at least a few LEOs to start ignoring those plates for speeding violations and even pull over people with those plates and issue them the same ticket that the rest of us mortals get. I've been told that those "get fixed" as fast as they're written, but at least it's creating some awareness that there is a problem.


Quote from: thinkliberty on July 13, 2010, 07:18 PM NHFT
This is premeditated attempted murder.


hysterical rantings.
as kb has painfully pointed out, you are rewriting history.

KILLER COPS >>>>KILLER COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah, she was an insipid cunt & overzealous in her performance, but....get ahold of yourself
get some REAL bad-cop stories & go nuts.


instead of running the person over on purpose, she pretended to have some legitimate authority on purpose and really hurt people because of it.