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Nice letter from Marc Emery

Started by Kat Kanning, July 16, 2010, 04:35 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

So I sent Marc Emery the NH Free Press and received a nice response the other day:

Dear Kat,

The articles "From War to Peace", "Who Killed Phoebe Prince", "Authoritarianism is Bad for your Health" were all excellent.  Jason Osborne's speech was also pure principles, so I loved it. 

I was sent your little paper, and the Keene Free Press and I enjoyed them very much.  As a Libertarian of 30 years, I hope NH is developing into an activist hotbed of liberty advocates.  One of my favorite programs is Free Talk Live with Ian Freeman.  My wife was on Free Talk Live recently about my particular case.

I'm here at Sea-Tac Federal Detention Center after being extradited here by the US Injustice Department for sending cannabis seeds to Americans by mail.  You can learn of the particulars in a number of movies, documentaries, televisions shows that are online.  My libertarian 30 year career of activism is covered well in a doc called "Principle of Pot" by Paul McKeever.  There is a mainstream TV doc on me called "Prince of Pot":, another called "Escape to Canada" (½ that movie is about me).  National Geographic has me in a good episode for Explorer (worldwide) called "Inside Marijuana."

I understand there is cannabis civil disobedience in Keene on a regular basis.  That's good to hear.

I hate being in jail, after 42 days in here (21 in solitary confinement for a minor infraction of a vague rule on telephone use), and can look forward to 1,452 days more of hell (if I spend every day of my 5 years, less 270 good time days less the waiting in Canada and here – 104 days so far) if I spend all my time here in a US penitentiary.

I have to stay in this tense, edgy, bad food, no sun or outdoor exposure FDC for another 6 months before being transferred to an FCI like Taft "Low" or Lompac "Low" in California.  UGH!

Please continue to send me your modest publication and I'll perhaps write a column for you from a US prison, perhaps titled "A Canuck Libertarian Behind US Bars" or something suitable.

Put me on your mailing list.
Marc Emery

Tom Sawyer

Pat K
