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The 2010 "PlugIN" Plug Server Conference

Started by PowerPenguin, August 10, 2010, 08:00 PM NHFT

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The below developer conference could be useful for people developing pro-liberty applications, such as mini video recording/uploading devices, anonymous commerce and data sharing systems, etc.

Marvell PlugIN - Free Your Imagination


Do you have a vision for a killer application? It could be an idea that you want to leverage into your own successful business or just a simple solution for an annoying problem. If so, join us for the PlugIN Developer Camp 2010, sponsored by Marvell.

PlugIN includes three tracks with sessions that will address relevant and actionable technical information to develop applications for the Plug Computer—an open source green mobile server. Attendees will receive a Marvell Plug Computer Development Kit to get started on their own killer application!

At PlugIN we will also announce the details of the Second Annual Plug Computer Killer Application Contest!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 9:00 AM  -5:00 PM

5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Event Registration

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